1 Generation of Unique Domain Name based on Network Device Identifier Jae-Hoon Jeong, Jung-Soo Park, Hyoung-Jun Kim ETRI 19 th Nov th IETF – Atlanta, Georgia, USA draft-jeong-name-generation-00.txt
2 Problem In the current DNS, –Given domain, domain name is selected by a user. –The uniqueness of domain name should be verified by network manager. This naming is difficult to adopt in Un-administrated Networks, –SOHO, Home-network and Ad-hoc network, –where there are no network manager and dedicated name server.
3 Mechanism to automate the generation of unique domain name Network Device Identifier EUI64-ID User-IDDomain Unique Domain Name
4 Generation of unique domain name User-ID : paul EUI64-ID : MAC1 Node ANode BNode C NodeUser-IDEUI64-IDDomain Node ApaulMAC1EUI-64.ADHOC Node BpaulMAC2EUI-64.ADHOC Node CpaulMAC3EUI-64.ADHOC User-ID : paul EUI64-ID : MAC2 User-ID : paul EUI64-ID : MAC3 Factor of Uniqueness
5 Pros and Cons Pros –Automatically generated domain name Not need name allocation server –Uniqueness of domain name is guaranteed w/o additional verification procedure. Cons –A little User-unfriendly name by EUI-64 ID However, this naming can be useful to network devices in zero-configuration networks
6 Next steps Is this draft valuable to discuss in this wg? We need your feedback.