331 Hours, 1 PhD, 1 Great (Old!) Friend
>The Impact of (“Less-than-Super”) Shells on Star-Forming Molecular Clouds >Alyssa A. Goodman >Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics >Carl’s Birthday Party >Arecibo, September 2004 >
Super & “Less-than-Super” Shells H- emission,WHAM/SHASSA Surveys (see Finkbeiner 2003)
“Less-than-Super” Shells Super Shells (>>10 pc diameter) produced by SN(e), GRBs Drive ISM turbulence on large scales Trigger molecular cloud formation (and subsequent star formation)? “Less-than-Super” Shells (<10 pc diameter) from stellar winds/HII Regions Trigger star formation in extant molecular clouds? Help Marijke et al. create the added structures?
Barnard’s Ophiuchus
COMPLETE (Re)Discovery of a Heated Smoke Ring in Ophiuchus D. Li, A. Goodman, J. Li & S. Schnee pc
Alyssa A. Goodman, Principal Investigator (CfA) João Alves (ESO, Germany) Héctor Arce (Caltech) Paola Caselli (Arcetri, Italy) James DiFrancesco (HIA, Canada) Jonathan Foster (CfA, PhD Student) Mark Heyer (UMASS/FCRAO) Helen Kirk (HIA, Canada) Di Li (CfA) Doug Johnstone (HIA, Canada) Naomi Ridge (CfA) Scott Schnee (CfA, PhD student) Mario Tafalla (OAN, Spain) Tom Wilson (ESO, Germany) COMPLETE The COordinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission Survey
Dust Column Density Dust Temperature Barnard’s Ophiuchus
Ionized Gas in the Ophiuchus Smoke Shell HH SII SHASSA Data courtesy of John Gaustad
Smoke Signals from Ophiuchus Heated Dust Ring Re-calibratedIRAS Dust Column Density Re-CalibratedIRAS DustTemperature ROSAT PSPC Region known as “ -Oph Cluster” In each panel where itis shon, thewhite ring shows a 2 pccircle, correspondingto the size and shape ofthe heatedring apparent in the IRAS Temperature Map. ROSAT PointedObservation Real -Oph Cluster inside heated ring 1RXS J The star -Oph and RXJ from Goodman, Gaensler, Lada, Wolk & Schnee 2003/4 Chandra/XMM Proposals ?? 0.5 x erg SN into 10 5 cm -3 2 pc in 200,000 yr T=38K v exp =1.7 km s -1 ??
Questions we can address: Which matters “most” inside what kind of molecular clouds: babys (YSOs), adults (O & B star winds), or ghosts (SNe)? What is the “expected” combination of these in a given region? (Spitzer key for this) How can we tell a wimpy SNR from a stellar wind? (X-rays (& You-Hua) key) So far: Ophiuchus Shell Paper: Li, D., Goodman, A., Li, J., Ridge, N. & Schnee, S. 2004, ApJ, in prep Perseus Shell Paper: Ridge, N., Goodman, A., Li, J. & Schnee, S. 2004, ApJ, in prep IRAS Re-analysis Method: Schnee, S., Goodman, A., Li, J. & Ridge, N. 2004, ApJ, in prep
COMPLETE Warm Dust Emission shows Great Bubble in Perseus ?? 2 x erg SN into 10 4 cm -3 5 pc in 1 Myr T=30K v exp =1.5 km s -1 ??
Dust Density & Temperature in Perseus Total Dust Column (0 to 15 mag A V ) (Based on 60/100 microns) Dust Temperature (25 to 45 K) (Based on 60/100 microns)
Hot Source in a Warm Shell + = Column Density Temperature
IRAS N dust H- emission,WHAM/SHASSA Surveys (see Finkbeiner 2003) HH 2MASS/NICER Extinction
Why “COMPLETE”? + = IRAS Column Density IRAS Temperature NICER Extinction Map Alves, Lombardi & Foster Schnee et al Ridge et al. 2004
Why “COMPLETE”? + = IRAS Column Density IRAS Temperature NICER Extinction Map Alves, Lombardi & Foster Schnee et al Ridge et al. 2004
Perseus IRAS + FCRAO (~100, CO Spectra)
Giving Carl’s ISM Students all they Need to do His Calculations Direct Imaging (X-ray, uv, optical, near-infrared) Continuum & Line Imaging (shows hot, excited shells) Extinction mapping (true column density) Thermal Emission from Dust (mid & far-infrared, sub-mm) Reveals (and is biased by) dust temperature Spectral-Line Mapping (radio) Reveals gas motion (+temperature & composition)
Barnard’s Perseus COMPLETE/IRAS N dust
Barnard’s Perseus IRAS: Dense+Cool; Dense+Warm; Tenuous+Warm Ridge et al. 2004; Schnee et al. 2004
“But what about the Magnetic Field?”
Polarization Goodman et al. 1990
For the “Real” Molecular Cloud People… please Please Ask Me Later
Embracing the Confusion is The Key to Understanding conspiracies of chemical depletion, optical depth, excitation, T dust, T gas, “ ,” can be critically misleading (especially for gullible theorists)
Theory (Good Old Days) Observation (Now) Shu, Adams & Lizano 1987