US CMS Silicon Tracker : Overview J. Incandela University of California Santa Barbara US CMS Silicon Tracker Project Manager Fermilab PMG April 9, 2004
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 2 Squarks and Gluinos SUSY could be discovered in one good month of operation … The figure shows the q, g mass reach for various luminosities in the inclusive E T + jets channel. ~ ~
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 3 Gluino reconstruction M. Chiorboli ~ p p b b - l l l ~ Event final state: 2 high p t isolated leptons OS 2 high p t b jets missing E t ~ bb g pp 0 1 ~ (26 %) (35 %) (0.2 %) llll ~ ~ (60 %) ll
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 4 Tracking Efficient & robust Fine granularity to resolve nearby tracks Fast response time to resolve bunch crossings Radiation resistant devices Reconstruct high P T tracks and jets ~1-2% P T resolution at ~ 100 GeV Tag b jets Asymptotic impact parameter d ~ 20 m
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 5 Silicon Strips 6 layers of 500 m sensors high resistivity, p-on-n 4 layers of 320 m sensors low resistivity, p-on-n Blue = double sided Red = single sided 9+3 disks per end Strip lengths range from 10 cm in the inner layers to 20 cm in the outer layers. Strip pitches range from 80 m in the inner layers to near 200 m in the outer layers
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 6 Some Tracker Numbers 6,136 Thin wafers 320 μm 19,632 Thick wafers 500 μm 6,136 Thin detectors (1 sensor) 9,816 Thick detectors (2 sensors) Thin modules (ss +ds) Thick modules (ss +ds) 10,016,768 individual strips and readout electronics channels 78,256 APV chips ~26,000,000 Bonds 470 m 2 of silicon wafers 223 m 2 of silicon sensors (thick = 175 m 2 + thin= 48 m 2 ) FE hybrid with FE ASICS Pitch adapter Silicon sensors CF frame
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 7 Our Responsibility 5.4 m 2.4 m Outer Barrel (TOB) ~105 m 2 NEW:End Caps (TEC) 50% Modules for Rings 5 and 6 and hybrid processing for Rings 2,5,6
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 8 Efficiency, Purity, Resolution
ROD INTEGRATION AachenKarlsruheStrasbourgZurichWien PETALS INTEGRATION Aachen Brussels Karlsruhe Louvain LyonStrasbourg Brussels Wien Lyon TECassembly TECassembly CERN Frames: Brussels Sensors: factories Hybrids: Strasbourg Pitch adapter: Brussels Hybrid: CF carrier TK ASSEMBLY At CERN Louvain Strasbourg Pisa PerugiaWien BariPerugia BariFirenzeTorinoPisaPadova TIB-TID INTEGRATION FNAL UCSB TOBassembly TIB-IDassembly At CERN PisaAachenKarlsruhe.--> Lyon Karlsruhe Pisa Sensor QAC Module assembly Bonding & testing Sub-assemblies FNAL US in the tracker Integration into mechanics KSU US carries roughly half of the total production load FNAL UCSB
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 10 Outer Barrel Production Outer Barrel Modules 4128 Axial (Installed) 1080 Stereo (“ “) Rods 508 Single-sided (“ “) 180 Double-sided (“ “) US Tasks All hybrid bonding & test All Module assembly & test All Rod assembly & test Joint Responsibilities with CERN Installation & Commissioning Maintenance and Operation ~20 cm Modules Built & Tested in US
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 11 Rods & Wheels 0.9 m 1.2 m
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 12 End Cap Construction Central European Consortium requested US help With consent of US CMS and DOE, we agreed to produce up to 2000 R5 and R6 modules After 10 weeks UCSB successfully built the R6 module seen above. We’re nearly ready to go on R5 First TEC Module Built at UCSB
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 13 The Group Fermilab (FNAL) M. Demarteau, A. Ronzhin, K. Sogut, L. Spiegel, S. Tkaczyk + technicians Kansas State University (KSU) T.Bolton, W.Kahl, R.Sidwell, N.Stanton University of California, Riverside (UCR) Gail Hanson, Gabriella Pasztor, Patrick Gartung University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) A. Affolder, S. Burke, C.Campagnari, D. Hale, (C. Hill), J.Incandela, S. Kyre, J. Lamb, S. Stromberg, (D. Stuart), R. Taylor, D. White + techs. University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) E. Chabalina, C. Gerber, T. Ten University of Kansas (KU) P. Baringer, A. Bean, L. Christofek, X. Zhao University of Rochester (UR) R.Demina, R. Eusebi, E. Halkiadakis, A. Hocker, S.Korjenevski, P. Tipton Mexico:3 institutes led by Cinvestav Cuidad de Mexico Brown is also planning to join
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 14 Recap of this past year Problems continued to plague components US contributions have been critical US played major role in finding and fixing a series of flaws In some cases these problems would have been fatal Problems for module components have been addressed (see talks by R. Demina and E.Chabalina) Frames and hybrids: Yield and rates are high and rising Sensors and US involvement US identified CM Noise problem with STM sensors Advocated shifting order to HPK: Provided funds for procuring the masks Insisted order be placed with HPK by end of February – beyond which we would have delayed HPK deliveries CMS is Re-qualifying STM now Either STM quality reaches HPK standards or remainder of order will be shifted to HPK Upshot: no matter what, we achieve very high delivery rates by July
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 15 Adapting to Delays But these issues have meant that the schedule has slipped again! We have lost 6-8 months in FY04 due to this last round of problems In parallel with our work to resolve component problems We underwent a major upgrade of the US production lines in order to achieve significantly higher production capacity to allow us to recover lost schedule time. New and better methods More and better tooling and hardware Better software and Quality Control Both FNAL and UCSB production lines have demonstrated more than 100% increases in stable, high quality module production Our production capacity is unprecedented: CDF Run 2 silicon detector = 750k channels: We can produce this many channels in 10 weeks without overtime or extended working weeks. With overtime we could do this in 6 weeks
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 16 Productivity Enhancements (see talks by White and Spiegel) Gantry (robotic) module assembly Redesigned: more robust, flexible, easily maintained Surveying and QA Automated use of independent system (OGP) More efficient, accurate, fail-safe Module Wirebonding Fully automated wirebonding Faster and more reliable bonding Negligible damage or rework Taken together: Major increase in US capabilities Higher quality
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 17 Testing & QA (see talk by E. Chabalina) US has led in many respects US testing macros and test stand configurations now used everywhere Critical contributions Discovered and played lead role in solution of potentially fatal problems! Defective hybrid cables Vibration damage to module wirebonds Common Mode Noise problem - traced it to ST sensors Other Important contributions; Problem of Faulty pipeline cells Led to improved screening Taken together Averted a disaster Resulted in higher quality
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 18 Rod Assembly, Test, Transport ( See talks by P. Tipton and J. Lamb) US contributions Designed and built module installation tools Built single rod test stands Designed and built and multi- rod burn-in stands Will lead in the definition of tests and test methods Transportation boxes Production Will build and test ~350 rods (+10% spares) at each site
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 19 Summary CMS is designed to maximize LHC physics The tracker is one of the main strengths of CMS US is making critical contributions We have (unfortunately) proven to be far more essential to the success of the CMS tracker project than anticipated We have uncovered serious problems Huge US effort to help find good solutions as quickly as possible. Module component problems have been solved Sensor issue is dynamic but we have a solution We’ve accumulated more delays!
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 20 Upshot Schedule has slipped and the project has evolved: Increased US capacity from 15 modules per day to > 30 Complete all deliverable modules before the end of FY05 Delivery of parts crucial Rod assembly to keep pace with module assembly Final assembly of the wheels at CERN slipping into FY06. The costs of an unexpectedly prolonged module and rod production period are being partially offset by use of funds originally allocated for I&C in FY04-05 Parts are the issue
UCSB CMS Silicon Tracker PMG April 9, 2004, J. Incandela - Overview 21 Schedule of Presentations 1:00 pmProject Overview J. Incandela (UCSB) 1:15 pmFermilab Production Line L. Spiegel (FNAL) 1:35 pmUCSB Production Line D. White (UCSB) video 1:55 pmResults from Module Testing E. Chabalina (UIC) 2:20 pmModule Components R. Demina (U. Rochester) 2:50 pmCoffee Break 3:00 pmRods J. Lamb (UCSB) video 3:20 pmLong-term testing and transportation of rods P. Tipton (U. Rochester) video 3:40 pmScheduleJ. Incandela (UCSB) 4:00 pmExecutive SessionE. Temple 4:40 pmCloseout 5:00 pmAdjourn