Chapter 5 C Language Programming
Introduction to C C has gradually replaced assembly language in many embedded applications. A summary of C language constructs that will be used in HCS12 programming. Books on C language –Kernighan & Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”, Prentice Hall, –Deitel & Deitel, “C: How to Program”, Prentice Hall, –Kelly & Pohl, “A Book on C: Programming in C”, Addison-Wesley, A C program consists of functions and variables. –A function contains statements that specify the operations to be performed. Types of statements: –Declaration –Assignment –Function call –Control –Null –A variable stores a value to be used during the computation. The main () function is required in every C program.
(1) #include -- causes the file stdio.h to be included (2) /* this is where program execution begins */-- a comment (3) main ()-- program execution begins (4) {-- marks the start of the program (5) inta, b, c;-- declares three integer variables a, b, and c (6) a = 3;-- assigns 3 to variable a (7) b = 5;-- assigns 5 to variable b (8) c = a + b;-- assigns the sum of a and b to variable c (9) printf (“ a + b = %d\n”, c);-- prints the string a + b = followed by value of c (10) return 0;-- returns 0 to the caller of main( ) (11) }-- ends the main( ) function AC Program Example Types, operators, and expressions –Variables must be declared before they can be used. –A variable declaration must include the name and type of the variable and may optionally provide its initial value. –The name of a variable consists of letters and digits. –The underscore character “_” can be used to improve readability of long variables.
Data types –C has five basic data types: void, char, int, float, and double. –The void type represents nothing and is mainly used with function. –A variable of type char can hold a single byte of data. –A variable of type int is an integer that is the natural size for a particular machine. –The type float refers to a 32-bit single-precision floating-point number. –The type double refers to a 64-bit double-precision floating-point number. –Qualifiers short and long can be applied to integers. For GNU C compiler, short is 16 bits and long is 32 bits. –Qualifiers signed and unsigned may be applied to data types char and integer. Declarations –A declaration specifies a type, and contains a list of one or more variables of that type.
Examples of declarations –int i, j, k; –char cx, cy; –int m = 0; –char echo = ‘y’; /* the ASCII code of letter y is assigned to variable echo. */ Constants –Types of constants: integers, characters, floating-point numbers, and strings. –A character constant is written as one character within single quotes, such as ‘x’. –A character constant is represented by the ASCII code of the character. –A string constant is a sequence of zero or more characters surrounded by double quotes, as “MC9S12DP256 is made by Motorola” or “”, which represented an empty string. Each individual character in the string is represented by its ASCII code. –An integer constant like 1234 is an int. A long constant is written with a terminal l or L, as in L.
A number in C can be specified in different bases. The method to specify the base of a number is to add a prefix to the number: Arithmetic Operators +add and unary plus -subtract and unary minus * multiply /divide -- truncate quotient to integer when both operands are integers. %modulus (or remainder) -- cannot be applied to float or double ++increment (by 1) --decrement (by 1) baseprefixexample decimal octal hexdecimal none 0 0x x45
&AND |OR ^XOR ~NOT >>right shift << left shift -& is often used to clear one or more bits of an integral variable to 0. PTH = PTH & 0xBD/* clears bit 6 and bit 1 of PTH to 0 */ /* PTH is of type char */ -|is often used to set one or more bits to 1. PTB = PTB | 0x40;/* sets bit 6 to 1 (PTB is of type char) */ -^ can be used to toggle a bit. abc = abc ^ 0xF0;/* toggles upper four bits (abc is of type char) */ Bitwise Operators (1 of 2) C provides six operators for bit manipulations; they may only be applied to integral operands.
>> can be used to shift the involved operand to the right for the specified number of places. xyz = xyz >> 3;-- shift right 3 places << can be used to shift the involved operand to the left for the specified number of places. xyz = xyz << 4;-- shift left 4 places The assignment operator = is often combined with the operator. For example, PTH &= 0xBD; PTB |= 0x40; xyz >>= 3; xyz <<= 4; Bitwise Operators (2 of 2)
Relational and Logical Operators (1 of 2) Relational operators are used in expressions to compare the values of two operands. –The value of the expression is 1 when the result of comparison is true. Otherwise, the value of the expression is 0. Relational and logical operators: ==equal to !=not equal to >greater than >=greater than or equal to <less than <=less than or equal to &&and ||or !not (one’s complement)
Examples of relational and logical operators: if (!(ATD0STAT0 & 0x80)) statement 1 ;/* if bit 7 is 0, then execute statement 1 */ if (i > 0 && i < 10) statement 2 ;/* if 0 < i < 10 then execute statement 2 */ if (a1 == a2) statement 3 ;/* if a1 == a2 then execute statement 3 */ Relational and Logical Operators (2 of 2) Control flow –The control-flow statements specify the order in which computations are performed. –Semicolon is a statement terminator. –Braces { and } are used to group declarations and statements together into a compound statement, or block.
if (expression) statement 1 else-- The else part is optional. statement 2 Example, if (a != 0) r = b; else r = c; A more concise way for this statement is r = (a != 0)? b : c; If-Else Statement
if (expression1) statement 1 else if (expression2) statement 2 else if (expression3) statement 3 … else statement n Example, if (abc > 0) return 5; else if (abc = 0) return 0; else return -5; Multiway Conditional Statement
Example switch (expression) {switch (i) { case const_expr 1 ;case 1: printf(“*”); statement 1 ;break; break;case 2: printf(“**”); case const_expr 2 ;break; statement 2 ;case 3: printf(“***”);break; …case 4: printf(“****”); default:break; statement n ;case 5: printf(“*****”); }break; } Switch Statement
for (expr1; expr2; expr3) statement; where, expr1 and expr2 are assignments or function calls and expr3 is a relational expression. Example sum = 0; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) sum += i * i; for (i = 1; i < 20; i++) if (i % 2) printf(“%d “, i); For-Loop Statement
while (expression) statement Example int_cnt = 5; while (int_cnt);/* do nothing while the variable int_cnt 0 */ Do-While StatementExample doint digit = 9; statementdo while (expression);printf(“%d “, digit--); while (digit >= 1); While Statement
Examples -Not part of the C language itself. -Four I/O functions will be discussed. getchar ( ). char xch; -- returns a character when calledxch = getchar (); putchar (int).putchar(‘a’); -- outputs a character on a standard output device puts (const char *s).puts (“Welcome to USA! \n”); -- outputs the string pointed by s on a standard output device printf (formatting string, arg1, arg2, …). -- converts, formats, and prints its arguments on the standard output device Input and Output
printf (“this is a challenging course ! \n”); printf(%d %d %d”, x1, x2, x3);/* outputs x1, x2, and x3 using minimal number of digits with one space separating each value */ printf(“Today’s temperature is %4.1d\n”, temp); Formatting String for Printf The arguments of printf can be written as constants, single variable or array names, or more complex expressions. The formatting string is composed of individual groups of characters, with one character group associated with each output data item. –The character group starts with %. –The simplest form of a character group consists of the percent sign followed by a conversion character indicating the type of the corresponding data item. –Multiple character groups can be contiguous, or they can be separated by other characters, including whitespace characters. These “other characters” are simply sent to the output device for display. Examples
Rules for Conversion String Between the % and the conversion character there may be, in order: –A minus sign, -- specify left adjustment –A number that specifies the minimum field width –A period that separates the field width from precision –A number, the precision, that specifies the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string, or the number of digits after the decimal point, or the minimum of digits for an integer –An h if the integer is to be printed as a short, or l (letter ell) if as a long
return_type function_name (declarations of arguments) { declarations and statements } Example char lower2upper (char cx) { if cx > ‘a’ && cx <= ‘z’) return (cx - (‘a’ - ‘A’)); else return cx; } Functions and Program Structure Every C program consists of one or more functions. Definition of a function cannot be embedded within another function. A function will process information passed to it from the calling portion of the program, and return a single value. Syntax of a function definition:
Example 5.1 Write a function to test if an integer is a prime number. Solution: A number is a prime if it is indivisible by any integer between 2 and its half. /* this function returns a 1 if a is prime. Otherwise, it returns a 0. */ char test_prime (int a) { int i; if (a == 1) return 0; for (i = 2; i < a/2; i++) if ((a % i) == 0) return 0; return 1; } A function must be defined before it can be called. Function prototype declaration allows us to call a function before it is defined. Syntax of a function prototype declaration: return_type function_name (declarations of arguments);
Example 5.2 Write a program to find out the number of prime numbers between 100 and Solution: #include char test_prime (int a);/* prototype declaration for the function test_prime */ main ( ) { inti, prime_count = 0; for (i = 100; i <= 1000; i++) { if (test_prime(i)) prime_count ++; } printf(“\n The total prime numbers between 100 and 1000 is %d\n”, prime_count); } char test_prime (int a) { int i; if (a == 1) return 0; for (i = 2; i < a/2; i++) if ((a % i) == 0) return 0; return 1; }
type_name *pointer_name; Examples int *ax; char *cp; -Use the dereferencing operator * to access the value pointed by a pointer. int a, *b; … a = *b;/* assigns the value pointed by b to a */ Pointers and Addresses (1 of 3) A pointer is a variable that holds the address of a variable. Pointers provide a way to return multiple data items from a function via function arguments. Pointers also permit references to other functions to be specified as arguments to a given function. Syntax for pointer declaration:
Use the unary operator & to assign the address of a variable to a pointer. For example, int x, y; int *ip; ip = &x; y = *ip;/* y gets the value of x */ Pointers and Addresses (2 of 3)
Example 5.3 Write a bubble sort function to sort an array of integers. Solution: void swap (int *px, int *py);/* function prototype declaration */ void bubble (int a[], int n)/* n is the array count */ { inti, j; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) for (j = n - 1; j > i; j--) if (a[j - 1] > a[j]) swap (&a[j - 1], & a[j]); } void swap(int *px, int *py) { int temp; temp = *px; *px = *py; *py = temp; } Pointers and Addresses (3 of 3)
Arrays An array consists of a sequence of data items that have common characteristics. Each array is referred to by specifying the array name followed by one or more subscripts, with each subscript enclosed in brackets. Each subscript is a nonnegative integer. The number of subscripts determines the dimensionality of the array. For example, – x[i] is an element of an one-dimensional array – y[i][j]refers to an element of a two-dimensional array Syntax for one-dimensional array declaration: – array_name [expression]; Syntax for two-dimensional array declaration: – data-type array_name [expr1] [expr2];
int ax[20];/* array of 20 integers */ int *ip;/* ip is an integer pointer */ ip = &ax[0]/* ip contains the address of ax[0] */ x = *ip;/* copy the contents of ax[0] into x. -If ip points to ax[0], then ip + 1 points to ax[1], and ip + i points to ax[i], etc. Pointers and Arrays Any operations that can be achieved by array subscripting can also be done with pointers. The pointer version will in general be faster but, somewhat harder to understand. –For example,
int average (int n, int arr[ ]); main ( ) { int n, avg; int arr[50]; … avg = average (n, arr);/* function call with array name as an argument */ … } int average (int k, int brr [ ])/* function definition */ { … } Passing Arrays to a Function An array name can be used as an argument to a function. To pass an array to a function, the array name must appear by itself, without brackets or subscripts, as an actual argument within the function call. When declaring a one-dimensional array as a formal argument, the array name is written with a pair of empty square brackets. When declaring a two-dimensional array as a formal argument, the array name is written with two pairs of empty square brackets.
struct struct_name {/* struct_name is optional */ type1member1; type2 member2; … }; The struct_name is optional and if it exists, defines a structure tag that defines a type. For example, struct catalog_tag { charauthor [40]; char title [40]; charpub [40]; unsigned int date; unsigned char rev; } card; where, the variable card is of type catalog_tag. Structures A group of related variables that can be accessed through a common name Each item within a structure has its own data type, which can be different. The syntax of a structure is as follows:
union union_name { type-name1element1; type-name2element2; … type-namenelementn; }; where, union_name is optional. When exists, it defines a union-tag. -The current temperature can be represented as follows: union u_tag { int i; char c[4]; } temp; -A member of a union can be accessed as union-name.member Unions A variable that may hold (at different times) objects of different types and sizes, with the compiler keeping track of size and alignment requirements. The syntax is as follows:
External Variables A variable declared inside a function is called an internal variable. A variable defined outside of a function is called an external variable. An external variable is available to many functions. External variables provide an alternative to function arguments and return values for communicating data between functions. Any function may access an external variable by referring to it by name if the name has been declared somewhere. The use of static with a local variable declaration inside a block or a function causes a variable to maintain its value between entrances to the block or function.
Scope Rules (1 of 2) The functions and external variables that make up a C program can be compiled separately. The source text of the program may be kept in several files. The scope of a name is the part of the program within which the name can be used. For a variable declared at the beginning of a function, the scope is the function in which the name is declared. Local (internal) variables of the same name in different functions are unrelated. The scope of an external variable or a function lasts from the point at which it is declared to the end of the file being compiled.
In the following program segmentThe use of external variables are illustrated in the following 2-file C programs … in file 1 void f1 (…)extern int xy; {extern long arr [ ]; …main ( ) }{ … int a, b, c;} void f2(…)void foo (int abc) { … } {long soo (void) { … } … }in file 2 int xy; Variables a, b, and c are accessible tolong arr [100]; function f2 but not f1. Scope Rules (2 of 2)
Type casting forces a variable of some type into a variable of different type. The format is (type) variable. It is often used to avoid size mismatch among operands for computation. The value of the product of x1 and x2 would be truncated when it exceeds 16 bits. The solution to the problem is to use type casting: Type casting also allows one to treat a variable of certain type as a variable of different type to simplify the computation. long result; int x1, x2; … result = x1 * x2; result = ((long)x1) *((long)x2); Type Casting (1 of 2)
For the following declaration: struct personal { char name[10]; char addr [20]; char sub1[5]; char sub2[5]; char sub3[5]; char sub4[5]; } ptr1; char *cp; One can use type casting technique to treat the variable ptr1 as a string: cp = (char *)&ptr1; Type Casting (2 of 2)
#define _IO8(off) *(unsigned char volatile *)(IOREGS_BASE + off) #define ADPU 0x80 #define ATD0CTL2 _IO8(0x82) One can use following statement to set the bit 7 of the ATD0CTL2 register: ATD0CTL2 |= ADPU Using the GNU C and EGNU IDE GNU C compiler is a freeware C compiler for the HCS12. EmbeddedGNU IDE by Eric Engler provides a text editor, a terminal program, and a project manager to the GNU C compiler. Install GNU C at the c:\gnu directory (can be at other directory). Install EGNU IDE at the c:\egnu091 directory (can be at other directory). The header file hcs12.h is written and provided in the complimentary CD. The hcs12.h should be copied to the c:\egnu091\include directory. Several utility routines are also provided to facilitate the programming of the HCS12 including convert.c, stdio.c, delay.c, spi0util.c. These files should be copied to the c:\egnu091\include directory. The header file hcs12.h allows the user to use mnemonic names to refer to I/O registers and many bits contained in I/O registers. For example, the following statement is included in hcs12.h:
Step 1. Invoking the EGNU IDE
Status Pane is Used to Display Compiler Message
Status Pane Used as Terminal Window
Step 2. Create a New Project In the File menu, select New Project.. and click on it (in Figure 5.7). A popup dialog box asks the user to enter the project name. The user enters the project name (count) and click OK. Another dialog box appears to ask the user about the directory to store the project (in Figure 5.8). Another dialog box appears to ask the user about the project hardware profile (in Figure 5.9). Select Dragon12 as the hardware profile for both SSE256 and Dragon12 demo board. Click OK. The resultant screen is shown in Figure These two demo boards have the same memory map and can use the same profile.
Step 3. Enter the Source Code (1 of 2) Click on the File menu and select New Source File to create a new file to hold the program. The screen is shown in Figure 5.5. The program is shown in Figure 5.6.
Step 3. Enter the Source Code (2 of 2) Before the program is saved, the screen is as shown in Figure 5.6a. The user should save the source file by selecting Save unit or Save unit as…. A save file dialog box appears and asks the user to enter the file name and the directory to save the file. The dialog box is shown in Figure 5.6b. Enter the file name and select the directory to save the file (usually the same as the project directory). Click on save, the screen is changed to Figure 5.6c. The project name cannot be the same as the source program name.
Step 4. Build the Project Press the Build menu and select Make. EGNU IDE will display the build result as shown in Figure The output file of the build process has the extension of.S19.
Step 5 Download the Program for Execution Make the terminal window (in the status pane) active by clicking on Terminal above the status pane of the EGNU IDE window. Reset the demo board and press enter to bring out the D-Bug12 monitor prompt. Type load and enter key on the terminal window D-Bug12 monitor prompt (>). Press the Build menu and select Download (or type function key F10). The S19 file of the current project will be downloaded onto the demo board. The D-Bug12 monitor will display a number of * characters proportional to the multiple of ten S-records. The starting address of the program is at $2000. Type “g 2000” to execute the program. After this, we will see LEDs incremented from 0 to 255, and then roll back to 0 and repeat.
Alternative Way of Setting Up Project Sometimes the C source code is available before a new project is created. –In this case, after “Step 2” is completed, skip Step 3. –Press the Project menu and select Add to project…. –A dialog box (as shown in Figure 5.14) appears that allows the user to select the file to be added to the project. –One can select the desired file name and click Open. The remaining steps are the same as starting from new source file.