1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Islamic University of Gaza Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
2 Signal & Linear Systems (EELE 3310) By Basil Hamed, Ph. D. Control Systems Engineering By Basil Hamed, Ph. D. Control Systems Engineering
3 Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Signal & Linear Systems (EELE 3310) Pre-Requisite: Electric Circuits (EELE 2311, OR EELE 2312) Instructor: Basil Hamed, Ph.D. Control Systems Engineering Office: B228 iugaza.edu WebSite: Phone: Ext Meeting: (Sat Mon Wed) 10:00-11:00 (K 518) 11:00-12:00 ( K 518 ) 9:00-10:00 ( L 504 ) Course Syllabus
4 Course Description: Transform methods for solution of continuous- and discrete-time systems. Fourier and Laplace transform, Frequency response, Continuous- and discrete-time convolution. Linear systems analysis, Signal spectra: Fourier series; modulation schemes; sampling theorem; discrete- time signals; and transform; elements of the Z- transform. Prerequisite: Electric Circuit II (EELE 2311,OR EELE 2312) Corequisite: Differential Equations
5 Course Syllabus Text Book: Signals and Systems, Third Edition by Chi-Tsong Chen,2004 References: Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems by S. Soliman & M. Srinath Signals & Systems: R. Ziemer, W. Tranter & D. Fannin Signals, Systems, and Transforms: Leland Jackson Fundamentals of Signals and Systems: E. Kamen & B. Heck. Signals and Systems, Haykin, and Van Veen Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems, Buck, Daniel, and Singer. Teaching Assistant Eng. Waleed Issa (Males) Eng. Doua Jaber (Females)
6 Course Syllabus Course Aim: To introduce class participants to the basic concepts of signal and systems analysis as a fundamental analysis and design tool in electrical and computer engineering. To develop an understanding the fundamental concepts and applications of continuous and discrete time systems. Analyze the behavior of each type using appropriate methods. To develop an understanding of the time-domain and frequency- domain viewpoint and role of transforms. To develop skills in the mechanics of Fourier, Laplace and Z- transforms, and the use of DFT. To give students knowledge and ability of determining the stability of a system for both continuous and digital systems. To provide the students an opportunity to apply the knowledge of above material in a practical (project) experience
7 Course Syllabus Materials Covered: Elementary Signals (Continuous & Digital) and their properties (Periodic vs. Aperiodic, Energy and Power signals), also other types of Signals are presented. Continuous-Time Systems ( Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Time-varying and Time-Invariant Systems, Systems with and without Memory, Causal Systems, Invertibility and Inverse Systems, and stable Systems) State-Variable Representation; State Equations, Time-Domain Solution of the State Equations, State Equations in First and Second Canonical Forms. Fourier series: Definition, properties, alternate forms, and the application to circuit analysis. Fourier transforms: Definition, properties, functional and operational transforms, inverse transforms, Perseval's theorem and their application to circuit analysis. Laplace transforms: Definition, properties, functional and operational transforms, and inverse transforms. Circuit Analysis: Application of Laplace transforms to circuit analysis. Z-transforms: Definition, properties, functional and operational transforms, and inverse transforms Related topics: Transfer functions, impulse response, convolution, steady-state and transient analysis.
8 Course Syllabus Grading System: Homework 15 % Quizzes 5 % Mid term Exam 30 % Final Exam 50 % Quizzes: Will be given in the discussion by the T.A Homework Homework assignments are to be returned on time. No excuses will be accepted for any delay. Office Hours Open-door policy, by appointment or as posted.
9 Signals LTI System H(z) G(z) +
10 Type of Signals –Discrete u(t) –Continuous u[n] -2 n
11 What is a System? System: Black box that takes input signal(s) and converts to output signal(s). Discrete-Time System: y[n] = H[x[n]] Continuous-Time System: y(t) = H(x(t)) H x[n]y[n] H x(t) y(t)
12 Interconnection of Systems Feedback Connection: y(t) = H 2 ( y(t) ) + H 1 ( x(t) ) –e.g. cruise control Possible to have combinations of connections.. H1H1 x(t)y(t) H2H2 +
13 See You next Monday