Heliophysics A Native Way of Knowing Eric Santos Wigwam Creek Middle School Litchfield Park, AZ Maggie Prevenas Kalama Intermediate School Makawao HI
Workshop Implementation
Audience Teachers grades 4-9 working in indigenous communities
Goals Sample Activities teachers can use today Take home tool to use in classroom Modifications and considerations to native intelligence Awareness of NASA Teacher Resources
Agenda DAY 1 Pre Test Home Base Model/Introductions Oral Tradition-Mo’olelos/Folktales Evidence Circles 3D Magnetosphere in a Bottle Song:The Atom Song Lunch (Guest: Solar Photography) Scientific Methods:UV Bead Inquiry Listen With Your Eyes NASA Resources for Teachers Post Test
Agenda Day 2 - Field Trip Eric- Lowell Observatory or Kitt Peak Observatory Maggie-Maui High Tech Facilities or Haleakala Science City Focus of Field Trip is on Listening With Your Eyes; How Can We Hear Better
Time Required 1 day classroom 9am - 2pm 1 day Field Trip Maggie - 9am - 2pm Eric - 7pm - 12am
Key Concepts Scientists use models to demonstrate ideas, explain observations and make predictions. Indigenous students learn science by connecting it to their culture using storytelling, song, and art.