1 ©2009 MeeMix MeeMix – A personalized Experience
2 We help mobile, web and TV businesses deliver the right content items to each individual customer A Personalized Experience What do we do?
3 A Personalized Experience MeeMix Prediction Technology Advantage MeeMix technology is a hybrid system combining a number of methodologies to analyze customer taste profile. Mood: fine-tuning prediction according to customer listening mood Song DNA: analyzing each songs musical parameters User Profile: clustering target groups based on age, location and gender Collaborative Filtering: adjusting taste attributes using behavior and interaction Human Professionals: social aspects analysis and monitoring IT results
4 A Personalized Experience MeeMix Classification Technology Automatic classification 40,000 songs/humane/month Accuracy: 90% Manual classification 1000 songs/humane/month Accuracy: 95% Current market statusMeeMix capabilities Cost-effective Immediate update Any language Looking at classification of audio files into musical parameters
5 A Personalized Experience Benefits – Increase Sales Your Subscribers Taste Range Potential Sales Sales to buyers with other music preferences Additional sales using MeeMix recommendation service + Popular content sales – based on the standard one-to-all offer Main- stream sales Increase sales in the long tail of music preferences Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty
6 A Personalized Experience Simplify Content Accessibility Using MeeMix relevant items are ONE CLICK AWAY Your service or application User must look for relevant content Scale acquisition of new users and Increase users life-time value Subscriber did not find relevant content and left the site
7 A Personalized Experience Cost–Effective and Rapid Go-To-Market Integration Simple & user-friendly interface Cost-effective integration Multiple application support Customizable per partner MeeMix API provides full access to our service line without the need for any on- site implementation.
8 A Personalized Experience Innovation – Differentiate Yourself Thank you, and have a personalized day! More about MeeMix services in the next 3 slides >>