Www.cost.esf.org European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides.


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Presentation transcript:

European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM COST Office News and Managing the end of Your COST Action up to March 2009 By Kerstin Wilde Administrative Officer On behalf of Carine Petit ESSEM Science Officer Brussels, October 2008

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM Apologies Because of a surgery of one of my children in emergency, I am unfortunately not able to attend your MC meeting. I will meet Anna Ledin, as well as Erica Donner and Lucie Vydrova, in Taormina on October. I can answer all additional questions at that occasion. I wish you a very fruitful meeting! Carine

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM Outline INews from the COST Office IINews from ESSEM IIIStatus of the Action IVFinal evaluation VNew rules on Publications VITo be done at this MC meeting VIINews from the ESSEM staff

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM I.1 News: COST Governance and Open Calls: New “Domain”: Trans-Disciplinary Domain-Proposals accepted (they are allocated, depending on their main focus, to one domain) Current procedure of the Open Call of March 28, 2008: –ESSEM External Evaluation Panel Meeting was on September 2008 –DC hearing session was on 19 September, 5 full proposals were invited –Final list of 30 proposals (for all Domains!) to be proposed to the CSO: 9 October nd CSO on November 2008: –Session: Legal status of COST under FP8 –Approval of 30 new COST Actions Open Call of September 26, 2008: ESSEM received 30 pre-proposals Next Collecting Date of the Open Call: March 27, 2009

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM I.2 New instrument and new rules Involvement of Early Stage Researchers (i.e. PhD + <10 years): –Open Call participation and WG leading in the Action are encouraged –Increased duration of STSMs beyond 3 months are possible –3 ESSEM Conference Grants per year of 3000 € for attending International Conference (abstract for an oral presentation must be accepted) : Next Collecting Date for applications: February 28, 2009 –At least once a year, an Action workshop should foster the participation of ESR –ESR-participation in Training Schools is encouraged. COST-Actions are encouraged –… to conform to their timetable: Prolongation/Extension will be consider only without additional budget and on basis of strong scientific justification –… to meet in COST premises, Brussels –(New flat rate: 120 € per night per participant)

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM I.3 COST-LESC Synergy meeting Within the Series of “Frontier of Science events” the first event will be: “Complex Systems and Changes: Water and Life” – October, Taormina, Sicily, Italy, with ESSEM Actions 636, 725, 729, ES0604, ES0804. Anna Ledin is invited as a keynote speaker and will give a presentation on behalf of the Action 636. Lucie Vydrova, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic and Erica Donner, Urban Pollution Research Centre, UK applied for the COST Open Call for Young Researcher Grant. Their applications were accepted by the Core Group of the ESSEM Domain Committee. They will present a poster in Taormina. The official COST invitations will be sent quite soon to Lucie and Erica, but they can already book their flights.

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM II News from the Domain ESSEM: 5 th DC meeting (10-11 March 2008, Brussels): –The Vice-Chair, Mr John Ingram, resigned –A rotation between the Chair and the Vice-Chair was expected for June 2008 according to the decision of the first DC meeting –No candidature for chairing the domain was received –The Chair, Prof. Sylvain Joffre, was elected ESSEM Chair until 2010 –Dr Ipek Erzi from Turkey was elected Vice-Chair of the Domain. Monitoring Event of ESSEM COST Actions (25-26 June 2008, Helsinki) –All the Action-Chairs made a presentation which was then followed by a general discussion and the evaluation by the respective Rapporteur –The ESSEM Chair, Vice-Chair and SO met the Action-Chairs for an informal meeting and open discussions

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM II.1 News from ESSEM The Open Call of March 2007 led to 2 new ESSEM Actions: –ES0701 Improved constraints on models of glacial isostatic adjustment (29 April 2008) –ES0702 EG-CLIMET European Ground-based observations of essential variables for CLImate and operational METeorology (14-15 May 2008)

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM II.2 News from ESSEM Open Call of September 2007 led to 4 new ESSEM Actions: –ES0801: The ocean chemistry of bioactive trace elements and paleoclimate proxies (to be launched on 14 November) –ES0802: Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in atmospheric research (to be launched on 20 November) –ES0803: Developing space weather products and services in Europe (to be launched on November) –ES0804: Advancing the integrated monitoring of trace gas exchange between biosphere and atmosphere

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM IIIThe Status of your COST Action 636: Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle End Date 13/03/2009 Signatories to MoU 31 COST countries RapporteurProf. Maris Klavins Budget € Final Report Final Event March 2009, Paphos, Cyprus Final Evaluation

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM III.1 COST 636: 2 June 2008 – 13 March 2009 Budget 2 June 2007 – 31 May 2008: achievement rate of 70% only! Should be better in ! Budget 2 June 2008 – 13 March 2009: € MC+WGs – Novi Sad € (approved) MC+WGs - Paphos €(approved) STSMs €(planned) GASG €(planned) Publication €(planned) See remark on publication on next slide!

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM III.2 COST 636: 2 June 2008 – 13 March 2009 Remember that: The budget can be used within 3 months after the end of Action for expenses related to the final event only until June 13, 2009 The Publication of the Final Extended Scientific Report will be paid by the general COST budget. This means that the budget of € foreseen in your budget plan can be used for any additional publication!

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM Evaluation Panel (EP) will be appointed by the COST Office 6 months before the end of the Action: - DC Rapporteur: Prof. Maris Klavins - One expert (proposed by the Rapporteur to the Action Chair and submitted to the approval of the DC) - Science Officer as moderator/observer Evaluation Report must be submitted by EP within 3 months after the end of the Action (beginning of June 2009) It will be presented at the DC in June or September 2009 at the ESSEM DC meeting by the DC Rapporteur assisted by one of the experts The Action Chair will be invited to this DC meeting, but is free to attend or not IVWho will evaluate the Action? What is the indicative timeframe?

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM What will be evaluated? Achievements of the objectives of the MoU and of the deliverables on basis of:  Final Management report (SO): delivered by February 2009 (within one month of the end of the Action)  Final Scientific Report (Action): delivered by February 2009; last updated version of the Yearly Progress Report covering the entire period of the Action  Extended scientific report – Final Publication (Action): ideally delivered by beginning of January 2009 (first draft) and one month before the Final Event (final draft); this publication is paid by COST  Website  Deliverables  Dissemination and Publications (in peer-reviewed journals, financed by the Action and by COST)  End users of the final results (if applicable) IV.1 What does the Evaluation consist of?

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM The template and criteria of the final evaluation are available in the guidelines for assessment, monitoring, evaluation of an Action (Annex F) A Questionnaire drafted by the Evaluation Panel (EP) will be submitted to the Chair, Vice-Chair and the WG Leaders to clarify some unclear points Participation of the Evaluation Panel in the final Event of the Action and in a 1- or 2-days meeting of the EP with the Chair is foreseen to finalise the Evaluation Report (if necessary) Draft of the Final Evaluation Report by the EP (indicatively June 2009) Final Statement of DC on the quality of the Action will be published on the COST website in autumn 2009, as well as the Final Evaluation Report and the Extended Scientific Report. IV.2 What does the Final Evaluation consist of?

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM The COST Office will finance the final publication. You will have to support the costs of any additional publication (special issue, proceedings) Steps to be followed for the final publication: 1)MC decision needed for each publication with budget dedicated - Official request from Chair to SO with MC decision 2) Validation of request by COST, COST-PR Manager and COST reference number 3) Notification by SO to Chair and invitation to choose a publisher -OPOCE or other Publisher !!! -If Private Publisher: 2 offers in case of price exceeding 3000 € (excl. VAT); COST needs 5 copies -Chair send offer(s) to SO, with strong justification if the most expensive solution is requested V Useful to know about Publications

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM Steps to be followed: 4) Preparation of documents and distribution list (logos, etc.) 5) Confirmation of order by SO with a purchase order (except TVA) 6) Print release and distribution list 7) Payment with invoice sent to the SO. Please refer to the official document “Publications” which is included in the COST Vademecum (Chapter 7): Useful to know about Publications

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM VIAt this MC meeting … confirm or update your budget planning with clear MC decisions for last activities on budget … prepare and communicate to the SO your work plan in case of changes … start the organisation of the Extended Scientific Report and of the Final Event … discuss with Prof. Klavins about the selection of the external expert for the final evaluation … continuously update the website

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM To all Action-participants at this MC/WG- meeting Sign the Attendance List (each day!) Complete and sign your Travel Reimbursement Form and submit it, together with receipts, to the local organizer or to the Chair (Kerstin Wilde takes them on Wednesday morning). Send additional receipts by scan/ until 16 October 2008 Save energy and money by using public transportation instead of taxis (prepare carefully your travels)! Max 40 € per participant and per meeting will be reimburse for taxi. Thanks for saving the planet! International Year of Planet Earth ( )

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM VIINews from ESSEM Staff - Chandrasa Sjamsudin, ESSEM AO, got her baby on 3rd September, Thaniel, a little boy! -Chandrasa is on maternity leave until end of March 2009 and is replaced by Kerstin Wilde. -The Cluster of Natural Sciences will have a Senior Administrative Officer (SAO) from mid November. -ESSEM will have temporarily one additional AO (migration to the Grant System).

COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract ESSEM Kerstin Wilde Administrative Officer - ESSEM Dr. Lucia Forzi Junior Science Officer – Natural Sciences Tel: Dr. Carine Petit Senior Science Officer – Natural Sciences Science Officer - ESSEM Tel: ESSEM team