COUNTRY-SPECIFIC INFORMATION PACKAGE HUNGARY Helsinki, February 2006 Zoltan Karacsonyi University of Debrecen Centre for Environmental Management and Policy Tunde Szabo University of Debrecen Centre for Environmental Management and Policy
Background (1)
Background (2)
Catchment area (km 2 ) Lake area (km 2 ) Length (km) Average width (km) Depth (m) Cubic capacity (million m 3 ) Length of shoreline (km) Regulated shoreline (km) Reed (km 2 ) Balaton ,73, Lake Velencei ,31, Lake Fertő (Hungarian part)1208 (175)292 (71)36 (7)8,2 (10)1 (0,8)39 (26)92 (25)n.a. 144 (62) Characteristics of greatest lakes (1) Background (3)
Balaton Greatest lake in Central-Europe Water supply from fall, River Zala as main supplier and smaller waterflows Lake Velencei Water supply from fall, rhapsodic water level Lake Fertô Border lake between Austria and Hungary Shallow lake, it has been dried more times in past centuries (last time: ) Characteristics of greatest lakes (2) Background (4)
Water quality of greatest lakes (1) Lake Balaton Not contaminated microbiologically Ecological state was worst in 1995 After 1995: better ecological state due to reduction of fertilizing, governmental measures, environmental investments, sewage treatment, waste management reforms Danger of eutrophisation (possible warm weather, serious lack of water) Reed degradation Ecological state changes of Lake Balaton Background (5)
Lake Velencei dissolved organic and inorganic materials in a great extent (natrium, magnesium, potassium, chloride and sulfate) Floating material quantity is not significant pH value of water sometime exceeded 9,0 No significant microbiological contamination Trophic state was eutrophic in the ’90s Recently (in the past 6-7 years): much less chlorophyll contents Water quality of greatest lakes (2) Lake Fertő Strong fluctuation of dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation in 2003 Alkaline water (pH>8,0) Significant quantity of magnesium, natrium, chloride and sulfate Significant and balanced quantity of organic contents of natural origin (reed) Relatively poor in nutrients available for plants (excluding phosphorous) Background (6)
Definition of eutrophisation 'Eutrophisation' means the enrichment of water by nutrients, especially compounds of nitrogen and/or phosphorus, causing an accelerated growth of algae and higher forms of plant life to produce an undesirable disturbance to the balance of organisms present in the water and to the quality of the water concerned. Eutrophisation in selected lakes Background (7)
Eutrophisation in Lake Fertő (pilot area of UD) Background (8)
Development of the condition of lakes – History and current scope of restoration (1) Water management in Hungary: traditional task 1807: water regulating associations 1845: great flood on River Tisza – following this the regulation works started 1885: Water Act 1920: Trianon – divided catchments area – first cross-border agreements 1947: National Water Management Office (since 1953: National Water Directorate) 1964: new Water Act (centralized system) 1990: reforms – democracy 1995: Environmental Act 1995: new Water Act –Based on 12 regional water directorates (belonging to the Ministry of Transport between ) –Since 2002: belonging to the Ministry of Environment and Water 2004: –National Chief Directorate for Environment, Nature and Water –12 directorates of environment and water –National Chief Inspectorate of Environment and Water –12 inspectorates of water (only authority function) 2005: 12 regional inspectorates of environment, nature and water Background (9)
Integrated Water Resources Development and Management National Environmental Program (2004) includes substantial provisions and measures for the conservation and management of surface and subsurface water resources Some of the key targets and approved policy directions are: regulation development to encourage sustainable and economical water use improvement of water quality for the main watercourses/waterbodies (Danube and Tisza Rivers, Lake Balaton) gradual increase (to a level of 65%) of the number of settlements with sewers at least biological treatment of wastewater from sewers nitrate and phosphorous load reductions for highly protected and sensitive waters Development of the condition of lakes – History and current scope of restoration (2) Background (10)
Development of the condition of lakes – History and current scope of restoration (3) Integrated lake management New ways of management of natural and artificial lakes/reservoirs Munltifunctionality of lakes: habitat and resource Resource to be treated well for sustainability Reduction of silting Regulation of water level and shoreline in accordance with regional development and spatial regulation plans Revealing of bed status, shoreline status, filling-up status, etc. Background (11)
Administrative structure and legislation (1) Ministry of Environment and Water National Chief Inspectorate of Environment, Nature and Water Water Centre and Public Collection (since 1 January 2006) Regional bodies: –Inspectorates of Environment, Nature and Water (12 – authority) –Directorates of Environment and Water (12 - management) –National Park Directorates (10 – management in protected areas) Municipalities Water Management Associations –Water public utility associations –Water associations Stucture
Water Framework Directive (EC Directive 2000/60)Water Framework Directive (EC Directive 2000/60) Water Management Act of 1995/LVIIWater Management Act of 1995/LVII regulates –Tasks relating to waters and water establishments –Ownerships –Public utilities of water –Water resources management –Protection against water damages –Properties related to public utilities of water –Authority tethers –Water management associations Governmental Decree 183/2003. (XI. 5.)Governmental Decree 183/2003. (XI. 5.) –Regulations on tasks in the field of water management Governmental Decree49/2001. (IV. 3.)Governmental Decree 49/2001. (IV. 3.) –Regulations on the protection against nitrate contamination of waters originating from agriculture Governmental Decree221/2004. (VII. 21.)Governmental Decree 221/2004. (VII. 21.) –Regulations on catchment management Governmental DecreeGovernmental Decree 219/2004.(VII.21.) on the protection of the quality groundwaters Governmental DecreeGovernmental Decree 220/2004.(VII.21.) on the rules of the protection of the quality of surface waters Legislation Administrative structure and legislation (2)
WFD implementation Implementation of the Water Framework Directive into the national law completed National Report 2004 submitted National Report 2005 submitted based on guidelines developed by the European Commission –Analysis of catchment area features –Studying the impacts of human activities on surface waters and groundwaters –Economic analysis of water use –List of areas to be protected specially –Submitted in 2 parts A: Roof Report (for the whole Duna basin) B: National Report (detailed report for own area including information originating from bilateral agreements with border countries) Administrative structure and legislation (3)
National Report 2005 Administrative structure and legislation (4) Main contents of the report: Types of water bodies (surface and groundwaters) Appointing of water bodies (surface and groundwaters) Reference relations Loading of water bodies Recommendations of monitoring development Current water use Contaminant emissions Cost-benefit analysis in water supply services Economic and water management forecast until 2015 Register of protected areas Public involvement in water management decisions International relations Information about national projects related to WFD
Által-érÁltal-ér (MATRA-project, ) –First international work in Hungary serving the implementation of WFD –Water management plan for Által-ér by Dutch experts Szamos Pilot ProjectSzamos Pilot Project ( ) –One of the 15 signed pilot catchment area in Europe testing the guidelines developed by international working teams for the tasks of WFD –Application of 4 WFD guidelines: surface water bodies, development of common GIS system, monitoring, economic analysis Phare projectsPhare projects ( ) – : twinning program (1 million EUR) French partner’s assistance: development of protection system against extraordinary water contaminations German partner’s assistance: monitoring of surface and groundwaters –Ecological state survey of surface waters: based on the survey of 5 creature groups of WFD (ECOSURV project) –Chemical state survey of groundwaters – appointing sampling points, 650 new groundwater monitoring wells, analytical tests, database –Institutional development of inspectorates of environment (German- Finnish-Hungarian twinning project) Administrative structure and legislation (5) Projects related to WFD (1)
Zagyva-Tarna catchment management pilot planZagyva-Tarna catchment management pilot plan ( ) –ISPA project –Results can be adapted in future possible EU funded projects WFD trainingWFD training (2005) –UNESCO-IHE led consortium –Preparations for the tasks originating from WFD –Training of 160 persons in 16 days (4-day blocks) Catchment management plan of HernadCatchment management plan of Hernad ( ) –Reconciliation about methods –Assessing current monitoring networks –Promoting the planning for catchments divided by country borders Practical implementation of WFD in HungaryPractical implementation of WFD in Hungary (2005-) –Development of method on the economic analysis of water use regarding cost efficiency, on the selection of most favourable measure programmes and on surveying cost-payback –Test and introduction of the results of economic analysis on the Hungarian catchment area of River Tisza as pilot area –Development of detailed strategy for public involvement in catchment management planning at national, regional and local level Administrative structure and legislation (6) Projects related to WFD (2)
Actors + Sources of funding for restoration projects (1) ACTORSROLES, TASKS Ministry of Environment and WaterControl 12 regional directorates of environment and water - state owned water bodies Management Water management associations – not state owned water bodies Management Regional development councils and agencies (8)Initiation, co-ordination County development councils and agencies (19)Initiation, co-ordination Municipalities Local development, management NGOsProposals, comments Research and education institutions Research, training, advisory activity Planning officesPlanning, consultancy activity Local inhabitants Initiation, beneficiary, comment
Research Most important research institution: VITUKI (Environmental and Water Management Research Institution) National Programme for Environmental Research and Development: formulated jointly by the Ministry for Environment and Water and the NCTD (National Committee for Technological Development). The programmes place special emphasis on improving the technical and technological conditions for environmental protection. Elements of these programmes include: –development of environmentally sound public utilities –technologies for healthy drinking water supply –environmentally-sound technologies integrated into production –material, energy and water saving technologies –environmental sanitation Research and education Universities and colleges Education Higher education: universities and colleges (e.g.: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Eötvös József College, specialization in water management Mainly agricultural universities and faculties of sciences Secondary level: secondary schools (specialization in water management and geodesy) Actors + Sources of funding for restoration projects (2)
Sources of funding Sources, fundsRelevant actorsSubject of funding EU Funds + Governmental co-financing National actorsEU and national priorities Governmental fundsAll actors Water management tasks Groundwater protection tasks Drinking water and waste water treatment tasks Regional fundsRegional actors Water management tasks Groundwater protection tasks Drinking water and waste water treatment tasks County fundsCounty actors Water management tasks Groundwater protection tasks Drinking water and waste water treatment tasks Municipality fundsLocal actors Water management tasks Groundwater protection tasks Drinking water and waste water treatment tasks Water Management Association sources + governmental co-financing Land ownersLocal management tasks Actors + Sources of funding for restoration projects (3)
Restoration planning and implementation procedures (1) Governmental measures since 1971 (Water Management Development Programme for Lake Balaton) 1994: worst situation – hypertrophic state 1994: Action Plan for Lake Balaton (Governmental Decree 1068/1996.) –Improvement of water quality –Satisfactory condition of beaches as regards public health –Reduction of internal and external contamination of the lake –Regulation of contamination and nutrition emission (technological guidelines) –Regulation of angling and fisheries –Reed rehabilitation –Updated environmental survey of the catchment of Lake Balaton –Professional and authentic information and forecast about the lake’s condition For the greatest lakes: separate restoration and management plans For smaller ones: ad hoc plans Act Balaton (2000) –Regulates the spatial development of the Balaton Holiday Area relating to building rules, land use, protection of surface and groundwaters, etc. 2003: study about the possible solution of the water supplement of Lake Balaton from rivers (due to continuous water level reduction concerning water quality, ecological state, fisheries and touristic sector) Overall consequence: due to ecological reasons this cannot be implemented : favorable tendency (+41 mm) resulted in the current satisfactory water level, water supplement not necessary Lake Balaton
1971: Development Plan of Lake Velencei Its objectives: –Rehabilitation of the waterlogged lake –Development of the lake to be a holiday site including water sports 1995: Governmental Decree (1031/1995.) –Conservation of touristic and natural values –Improvement of water quality –Water Management Development Programme of Lake Velencei (development tasks until 2010) 2004: development of the sewage system of surrounding settlements at Lake Velencei Lake VelenceiLake Fertő Water level regulation: higher level in spring and in the beginning of summer (increasing habitat and spawning places) Reduction of external burden (wastewater cleaning program) Improvement of flow conditions for oxygen supply of reed Austrian study: water supplement from River Duna – yet not accepted Future developments: –Enhancement of fresh water supply of reed stock –Channel management –Avoiding the direct burden impact of external waters –Water level increase –Stakeholders’ involvement Restoration planning and implementation procedures (2)
National best practices and special expertise in methods and projects National special expertise, innovations Lake Fertő: –Water refreshing channels –Active and strong cross-border co-operation At national level: –Promotion of agri-environmental programmes to reduce the diffuse pollution of lakes Completed restoration projects River restoration projects –River Tisza New flood management programme (8 flood reservoirs, dike building) –River Raba ‘River of the decade’ project First Hungarian integrated river management plan aiming at the conservation of the river’s natural state, water stock management, touristic burden management and expanding the program on the whole cathcment –River Szamos Integrated test of WFD guidelines for surface water bodies, development of common GIS system, monitoring, economic analysis Lake restoration projects –Lake Balaton: development of sewage network in the surroundings of the lake completed
Water management has a significant importance for Hungary (Duna, Tisza, lakes, inland water) Hungary has a developed structure and good professionals, experts A really significant new flood management program has started (Tisza) Active participation in the development/implementation of WFD More effective application of ‘space for water/river’ approach Strengthening effective stakeholder involvement Floodplain management (River Tisza, Lakepromo activity) Degraded floodplain Revitalisation of traditional floodplain management Fisheries habitat development Harmonisation of flood control and biodiversity enhancement Summary and needs for development