Characteristics of War
The Helicopters Have Found You… "In the burning and devastated cities, we daily experienced the direct impact of war. It spurred us to do our utmost...the bombing and the hardships that resulted from them (did not) weaken the morale of the populace." Albert Speer - Chief of the German War Economy A Ruined Library
A War of Science World War Two brought upon a wave of casualties due to the development of weapons of mass destruction. (Bulliet 786) Among some of the weapons was the radar, the V-2 missile, fighter planes, and synthetic rubbers. (Bulliet 786) Unlike WWI, the government encouraged civilian inventors to submit their technological innovations. (Bulliet 786) In October 1939, president Roosevelt received a letter from a Jewish refugee physict, Albert Einstein, warning of the evils of nuclear technology. (Bulliet 786) Fearing Germany would develop a nuclear bomb first, America constructed two nuclear bombs by (Spodek 593) Apart from the destructive advancements, antibiotics were made to prevent and eliminate common diseases between the common people and the soldiers. ( wii_technology.htm) Atomic Bomb Explosion ( elease%20photo/ WWII_Writers.gif)
Bombing raids A Bombed German Building ( While Germans were unable to destroy whole cities, the British strived to excel in actually destroying whole cities. (Spodek 612) Bombing raids in major cities were aimed at lowering the peoples’ morale. (Bulliet 786) The Alliance’s plan of weakening morale in Germany failed. Germans remained confident, strong, and determined well into By 1945, war efforts practically diminished. ( 20raids.htm) Americans had sent sixteen planes to bomb Tokyo, Japan. The devastation turned to 80,000 casualties and the destruction of one million homes. (Bulliet 788) The bombing of Tokyo was much more devastating than any German bombing because buildings were made of wood. (Bulliet 788) The German’s Air Force Squadron was known as the Luftwaffe. (Spodek 612)
The Holocaust During World War Two, Adolph Hitler and his fascist Nazi party led an anti-Semitist movement known as the Holocaust. (Bulliet 788) German Jews were deprived of their citizenship and legal rights and herded into ghettoes, where many died of starvation and disease. (Spodek 612) In early 1942 the Nazis decided to apply modern industrial methods in order to slaughter the Jewish population of Europe in concentration camps like Auschwitz. (Bulliet 788) Besides the Jews, the Nazis also killed Polish Catholics, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Gypsies, and the disabled, all in the interests of “racial purity.” (Spodek 612) The word Holocaust, in German, stood for burning. (Collins 171) Whenever a Nazi officer was caught in a foreign territory, the order was sent to burn the foreign town to the ground. (Bulliet 788) The pit of dead bodies at Auschwitz om
The Home Fronts The home front was known as a quick military execution that involved raiding and bombing civilians’ homes. (Armstrong 257) Military officers swept through cities stealing anything of value. Meanwhile, bombings destroyed whole cities. All the while, civilians were either dragged to concentration camps or were hiding in fear. (Bulliet 789) Due to the masses of males sent out to the war fronts, women took a major role in producing war products and the industrialization movement. (Spodek 612) The United States was one of the only countries that actually benefitted from the second world war since they made mounds of money by producing war products. (Andrea 411) Large amounts of Africans and Mexicans migrated to the United states to replace the white males’ position in the industrialization movement. (Bulliet 788) Another racist movement was taking place in the United States when Japanese immigrants were set to their own ghettos just because of their race. (Bulliet 789) This industrialization caused strong stress against the environment. (Bulliet 790) Rosie the Riveter: Symbol of the Women’s Industrial movement ( s/citydesk/files/2008/02/rosie_the_riveter.j pg)
Bibliography Andrea, Alfred J., and James H. Overfield. Human Record. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, Atlas Shrugs. 30 Mar "Bombing raids of World War Two." Aviation history, history of flight, century of flight. 28 Mar Bulliet, Richard W., Pamela Kyle Crossley, Daniel R. Headrick, Steven W. Hirsch, Lyman L. Johnson, and David Northrup. The Earth And Its Peoples A Global History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, Harpercollins. Collins German Concise Dictionary, 4e (HarperCollins Concise Dictionaries). New York: Collins, Lostasylum. "Blatant creations : The 2nd coming that wasn’t wanted." T-shirts for those who are....simply blatant. 29 May Mar Spodek, Howard. The World's History. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, City Paper - D.C. Arts, News, and Events. 30 Mar Welcome to Mississippi Public Broadcasting Online. 28 Mar "WWII Technology." Welcome to Wacona Elementary School - Home of the Gators! 28 Mar