Information on Farms in Alabama (1997) Number of farms Area in farmland (acres) Average size of farm (acres) 41,384 8,704,385 210.


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Presentation transcript:

Information on Farms in Alabama (1997) Number of farms Area in farmland (acres) Average size of farm (acres) 41,384 8,704,

Use of Land on Farms (acres) Total Cropland Total Woodland Total in houses, lots, ponds, roads, etc. Land in CRP and WRP Other TOTAL ACRES 4,197,670 3,035, , , , ,704,385

Croplands as Farmland (acres) Total farm land area Total crop land Percentage of total as cropland 33,029,760 8,704, %

Number of Farms Selling the Following Crops All Grains 3,744 (9%) Fruits927 Soybeans1,878Nursery Plants849 Corn2,529Poultry and eggs3,464 (8%) Wheat 712Dairy231 Cotton1,467 (4%) Cattle22,701 (55%) Tobacco16Hogs750 Hay 5,786 (14%) Not listed453 Vegetables996TOTAL41,384

Use of Woodland on Farms (acres) Total In pasture Not in pasture (other) 3,035, ,376 2,234,233

Use of Cropland on Farms (acres) TOTAL Harvested Pasture In crops, not harvested In crops, failed Summer fallow Idle 4,117,670 2,077,139 1,588, , ,759 21, ,915