GMSB Trigger Efficiency and Data Stream Issues Non-pointing Photon Meeting September 21 2009 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP.


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Presentation transcript:

GMSB Trigger Efficiency and Data Stream Issues Non-pointing Photon Meeting September Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP

GMSB2 Trigger Study Explore trigger levels for two EF configurations: EF_3J60 L1 = 3J18  Study radial dependence L2 = 3J35  Study radial dependence EF_3J180 L1 = 3J70  Study radial dependence L2 = 3J120

GMSB2 Trigger Study Borrow code from Jovan to evaluate triggers. Overall efficiency Ratio of triggered events to total Radial Dependence Divide histograms of radius of  0 decay accumulated separately for triggered and un- triggered events  NOTE: Two  0 decays per event!

GMSB2 Trigger Efficiencies L1_3J1888.9% L2_3J3585.5% EF_3J6075.7% _______________________________________ L1_3J7063.7% L2_3J % EF_3J %

GMSB2 L1_3J18 (Radius in mm) All events Triggered Events Ratio

All events Triggered Events Ratio GMSB2 L2_3J35 (Radius in mm) All events Triggered Events Ratio

All events Triggered Events Ratio GMSB2 L1_3J70 (Radius in mm)

L1_3J70 (repeat of last page) L1_3J70 with all conversions eliminated L1_3J70, no conversions; efficiency vs. P t of  0

L1_3J70 (repeat of last page) L1_3J70 with all conversions eliminated L1_3J70, no conversions; efficiency vs. P t of  0 Eliminate long-lived  0 (R dec < 560 mm)

What is the proposed RPV/LL Data Stream? It’s an OR of several triggers, ANDed with an OR of several offline requirements: Triggers: L1_MU40 OR L1_J120 OR L1_J70_XE30 OR stau, OR g55_tight OR 2g17i_tight OR 2g20 OR 3j60 Offline Cuts: One muon with p T > 40 GeV OR 3 jets with E T > 100 GeV OR One photon with E T > 20 GeV Question: Do these requirements bias the resulting sample in  0 momentum or decay length?  Compare GMSB3 distributions before and after selection RPV/LL DPD Data Steam Study

L1_3J70 (repeat of last page) L1_3J70 with all conversions eliminated Comparison of GMSB3 Before and After Selection P T After Selection R Dec After Selection After/Before