UCI Interdisciplinary Computational Applied Mathematics Program (iCAMP) Opening Workshop, May 5, 2010 Faculty Team: Jack Xin (Math), Hongkai Zhao (Math), Max Welling (ICS), Sarah Eichhorn & Ernie Esser (Math)
Funded by National Science Foundation Proactive Recruitment in Introductory Science and Mathematics (PRISM) The goal is to strengthen the nation's scientific competitiveness by increasing the numbers of well-prepared, successful U.S. undergraduate majors and minors in science and mathematics.
Who and What first and second year undergraduate students (all majors, undeclared); learn mathematics and algorithms for digital information processing; gain research and programming experience; earn a summer paycheck and a valuable resume builder for future career in science and mathematics, related employment.
Course Offering: Math/ICS 77 Learn math, computing, applications. Pre-req: Math 2A/2B, ICS/CSE 21. Fulfill general education requirement. Offered quarterly (F/W/S), starting Fall May take any of the 4 topics: signal processing, collaborative filtering, image processing, game simulation & analysis. Projects and Presentations
3 Summer Month Research 10 students upon completion of a Math77 / ICS77 course are selected per year (starting summer 2011, mid June — mid Sept) for paid summer research (monthly stipend ≥ $1900, monthly housing ≥ $800). Engage in mentored research in a topical area: read research articles, do creative work, write up results. Present, publish and learn career opportunities in science and math.
New iCAMP Lab
iCAMP and Beyond Web: Have fun learning math and developing algorithms to make a difference in the digital world. Get a head start on research and a future career in mathematical sciences.