Infection Prevention & Control: Searching the Library Databases November 2011 Centennial College Libraries
First Step Go to theCentennial College Libraries website at:
If you are outside the College network (at home) you will need to login with your student number and your PIN (last 4 numbers of your student number).
The following search examples are based on a case study where an outbreak of s. aureus occurred in a hospital nursery.
Detailed Record View
Accessing Full Text The full text of articles from a database record come from a number of sources: –Library databases including ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health, Science Direct, and Health Source Nursing Academic Edition –Hard copy journals subscribed to by the Library – look for these on the Periodical Shelves
Accessing Full Text (cont.) –Articles freely available on the Internet including collections such as BioMed Central and Directory of Open Access JournalsBioMed CentralDirectory of Open Access Journals –If the Library doesn’t have the article, we can try getting it for you from another library however, please ask us at least two weeks in advance before you need the article, and even more time if the article will have to be mailed to you (if you can’t come to the Library to pick it up yourself).
Saving your Results You can print, download and, depending on the database, the article to yourself. Many of the databases also have citation tools, sometimes in the function, to help you format your article citation into APA style. You can also import the article citations from your database search into RefWorks, a bibliographic citation tool that can help you create a bibliography in APA formatRefWorks
The cite view provides the citation format for a number of styles:
Make sure you choose RefWorks when you are exporting a citation.
Other Databases Most of the other library databases such as Nursing & Allied Health Source and Academic OneFile work similarly to HeathSource Nursing/Academic Edition: these databases suggest subject headings based on your keyword, you can limit to scholarly articles and by date, and you have the option of limiting your search to full text articles only. Use the help screens if needed.
Science Direct ScienceDirect College Edition: Health and Life Sciences provides full text access from 1995 to the present for over 800 peer-reviewed journals in health and life sciences including biology, nursing, medicine, ecology and biotechnology. This database only includes journals issued by Elsevier, a publisher of scholarly and scientific books and journals. Therefore, all the articles in this database are scholarly. The following slides provide tips for searching Science Direct.
Click on the title of an article or the “Show Preview” icon to view its abstract.
You can download the article in PDF format and export the citation to RefWorks (unlike the other databases, Science Direct does not articles with APA citations).
Chose RefWorks Direct Export if you are sending your article citation to RefWorks in ScienceDirect:
Helpful Links How to Find Articles:Search Assistance Guide: includes more database searching tips including how to connect ideas.How to Find Articles:Search Assistance Guide: Research Tips and Writing Help: includes research tips, links to APA style and help on avoiding plagiarism.Research Tips and Writing Help RefWorks: includes links to RefWorks tutorials.RefWorks Off Campus Access Troubleshooting: if you are having trouble connecting to the E-resources.Off Campus Access Troubleshooting Searching the CINAHL Database: another PowerPoint presentation (from a nursing perspective, so some points may not apply to you).Searching the CINAHL Database
Contact Us Science and Technology Centre Library: (416) ext (links to AskON Online Chat Research service and AsktheLibrary ) Gail Alexander 416(289)-5000 ext (STC Library) and ext 8607 (CCC Library)
Good Luck! Ask for help if you need it.