Lecturer: Mu Lingling (穆玲玲)
About Bilingual Teaching Bilingual 能说两种语言的 We should teach and learn this course both in English and Chinese based on the school’s plan. English: PPT,textbook,homework,test Both English and Chinese: teaching, asking&answering, lab report Studying special knowledge in English, not studying English.
About the Textbook 80x86 汇编语言与计算机体系结构(英文版) Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture Richard C. Detmer 机械工业出版社
Contents of this book Chapter 1 Representing Data in a Computer Chapter 2 Parts of a Computer System Chapter 3 Elements of Assembly Language Chapter 4 Basic Instructions (指令) Chapter 5 Branching and Looping (分支和循环)
Contents of this book continue Chapter 6 Procedures (过程) Chapter 7 String Opreations (字符串操作) Chapter 8 Bit Manipulation (位操作) Chapter 9 The Assembly Process Macro Chapter 12 Input/Output (输入输出)
Computer is an instrument A computer can be viewed from many different levels: Many people only interested in using applications: such as word processing, games Computer programmer often sees it as an instrument to create new applications software.
Developing languages (开发语言) High-level language (高级语言) C, C++, C#, JAVA,BASIC, PASCAL… Low-level language (低级语言) machine language (机器语言) assembly language (汇编语言)
example int x, y, sum; x=100; y=200; sum=x+y; x word ? y word ? sum word ? mov x, 100 mov y,200 mov ax, y add ax, x mov sum,ax 66C C C800 66A A
High-level language High-level language programmer’s image of the computer is provided by the language complier (编译器) : Computer stores object types: integer, real, array in named memory locations ; Calculates values of expressions ; Calls procedures ; Executes while loops ;
Computer works at lower level Architectural level Defined by the machine instructions that the processor can execute. Assembly language can be translated directly into machine language instructions. With assembly language program, you will understand how the computer works at the lower level.
About this courses Special basic and required course A part of Computer Orgnation Principle (计算机组成原理) A part of Software Development (软件开发)
Fundamental concepts 1 Memory addressing (寻址方式), CPU registers (寄存器) and their uses Representation of data in a computer in numeric (数字) formats and as character (字符) strings Instructions to operate on 2’s complement integers (整数补码)
Fundamental concepts 2 Instructions (指令) to operate on individual bits (位) Instructions to handles strings of characters (字符串) Instructions for branching (分支) and looping (循环)
Fundamental concepts 3 Coding of procedures (过程) : transfers of control (控制转移), parameter passing (参数传递), local variables (局部变量), and preserving (保存) the environment for the calling program.
Supplement (补充) IA-32 architecture (体系结构) Input/output programming on real mode (实方式) and protected mode (保护方式).
Outcomes Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Simply describe the computer architecture Use instructions in program Develop simple applications using the assembly language Explain basic microcomputer terminology, and read textbooks in English
Prerequisite (先修课) structured high-level language C/C++
Subsequence (后续课) Principle of microcomputer & Interface technology Computer controlling
Recommended readings 1 、《 80x86 汇编语言与计算机体系结构(中文 版)》, Richard C. Detmer ,机械工业出版社 2 、《汇编语言程序设计(第二版)》,钱晓捷, 电子工业出版社 3 、《 Windows 汇编语言程序设计教程》,谭毓 安,张雪兰,电子工业出版社 4 、《 80x86 汇编语言程序设计教程》,杨季文 等,清华大学出版社 5 、《 Intel 汇编语言程序设计》,罗云彬审
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Requirements Be absorbed in listening,taking notes Emphasized in understanding Reading book, preparing for lesson; Completing homework Practicing programming
Interests Group 1 、输入输出库的建立 建立一个 32 位环境下可以供用户调用的输入 输出函数库。 2 、保护方式下用 IN/OUT 实现输入输出 3 、内核程序的编写 编写一个内核程序,对机器的资源进行控制 4 、写一个简单的操作系统。 汇编是控制机器硬件的有力工具,可以利用 它,结合部分 C 实现一个简单的操作系统。
Enjoy Yourselves !