final state study Jaewon Park University of Rochester MINERvA/Jupiter Group Meeting, Feb 7, 2007
2 Processes involving with final state Proton and muon tracks will determi ne primary vertex Two gammas are from CC NC
3 ECAL for Generate single pi0 ev ent Theta=0, 20cm from U S-ECAL 200MeV to 1GeV OD hit ignored Energy summed using dE/dx weighting
4 Processes involving with final state Truth primary vertex is used Didn’t require minimum angle between two gammas I used truth information to know which gammas is associated wit h each hits. Calculate gamma’s momentum from direction and energ y
5 Flowchart Two gammas’ center of energy w.r.t. primary vertex primary vertex dE/dx weighted energy deposit from truth hit Two gammas’ direction w.r.t. primary vertex Two gammas’ total energy deposit Two gammas’ 4-momentum Pi0’s 4-omentum Pi0’s mass
6 Sanity check Compare reconstructed gamma with truth info rmation Truth info Using center of energy Difference
7 Sanity check(2)
8 invariant mass It’ll be useful to use thi s quantity in filter out b ackground.
9 resolution Good agreement with ECAL calculation
10 NC RES events Two gammas’ res olution Each gamma ener gy > 100MeV
11 NC RES events – Pi0 resolution Reconstructed pi0 m ass peak is found at 128MeV (5% less tha n true value) True pi0 mass: 135M eV
12 Checking tracker data True pi0 vertex 1151/5000 selection eff: requires primary proton and primary pi0 and two gammas vPos(3) from tracker verte x result 326/5000: requires event =vevent and vMoth=0 51/5000 selection eff: co mbine two selections
13 Next step Determine primary vertex from proton track Need to check definition of ntuple Scintillator bar ID can be used in stead of using truth hit position