Web Time Cards Online Time Card Entry Training April 2005
To log your time online, please start at the Westminster home page and click on the fields identified by red circles on the following pages. Daily Time Log
Jane Doe
When you see this screen, the time you have entered has been saved in the system. If you do not see this screen, please repeat the previous steps to ensure correct time entry.
Submitting Time For Supervisor Approval To submit your time for supervisor approval and to payroll, please click on the fields identified by red circles on the following pages. This must be complete before 2:00 PM on the day time cards are due.
Jane Doe
Finalizing Time Approval After checking the signature box and clicking on the submit button, you will receive a message indicating that you have successfully submitted your time to your supervisor for approval. This will generate an to your supervisor to notify them that you have completed your time entry and submitted it for approval.
Questions, Concerns, Problems If you have questions, concerns or problems please take them to your direct supervisor. If you and your supervisor are unable to resolve the problem, please contact Vickie Reese at