Bengal Cats Exotic Hybrid House Cats
How Bengals Are Created Bengals are the product of a domestic housecat bred with an Asian Leopard Cat +
Types of Bengals # Sold in 2004 Seal Minx 494 Marbled 1326 Brown Rosetted 2145 Snow Bengal 2012
Why Bengals Make Good Pets They are much more social than typical housecats They are much more social than typical housecats They require as much attention and loving as a dog They require as much attention and loving as a dog They self clean keeping their coats shiny They self clean keeping their coats shiny They love water and can learn tricks quickly such as walking on a leash They love water and can learn tricks quickly such as walking on a leash They add an exotic presence to your home! They add an exotic presence to your home! ~j-greath/homework.html ~j-greath/homework.html