Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Old or New Testament? Arguments Answered.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Old or New Testament? Arguments Answered

Since Jesus lived under OT Law Everything He did & taught was under the authority of the Law of Moses. Passover (Exo 12) introduced under Patriarchal Law & perpetuated under Mosaical Law. Lord’s Supper (Matt 26) introduced under Mosaical Law & perpetuated under NT Law. ANSWERANSWER

Since Jesus lived under OT Law He could not give a new set of laws or there would be two covenant laws. Passover, Unleavened Bread, Sabbath introduced under Patriarchal Law before Mount Sinai (Exo 12, 13, 16). Doctrine of Christ introduced under Mosaical Law before the cross & Pentecost (Matt 7:24-27). ANSWERANSWER

Since Jesus lived under OT Law He could not introduce any new law regarding the worship of God. Jesus accepted worship in fulfillment of the Mosaical Law (Heb 1:6; Deut 32:43). Jesus had authority to state new laws re- garding worship (John 4:23-24; 5:22-23). ANSWERANSWER

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in the New Testament SUMMARY: The OT contains a record of laws from the Patriarchal & Mosaical time period. The Gospels (MMLJ) contain a record of laws from the Mosaical & Christian time period.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in the New Testament SUMMARY: The Law of Moses was a schoolmaster to bring the Jew to Christ (Gal 3:24-25). Jesus was born & He died under the Law of Moses (Gal 4:4). Jesus was perfectly obedient to that Law (1 Pet 2:22).

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in the New Testament SUMMARY: Jesus laid the groundwork for a new Kingdom (Jn 3:3-5). Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law & put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself (Rom 8:3-4; Heb 9:26).

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in the New Testament SUMMARY: Jesus did teach the Jews how to keep the Law of Moses (Mat 7:12; 22:36-40). But Jesus also introduced laws in fulfillment of the Law of Moses that would carry over into the Law of the NT (Matt 5-7; Matt 26; Jn 4:23-24).

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Contains many facts & terms of The New Covenant of Christ