COMP102 – Programming Fundamentals I LA2B (Mon 5-7pm) LA2E (Fri 3-5pm) LA2F (Fri 5-7pm) TA: Jackie Lo.


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Presentation transcript:

COMP102 – Programming Fundamentals I LA2B (Mon 5-7pm) LA2E (Fri 3-5pm) LA2F (Fri 5-7pm) TA: Jackie Lo

Lecture Review Arrays  A collection of data elements with the same type  E.g. Collection of integers  Integer array Collection of characters  Character array  Each data in the collection is called An element

Lecture Review Array Declaration  Syntax: [ ];  E.g. int array[10];  Array elements Are values of the type  E.g.  All element stored in “ int array[10] ” are integer

Lecture Review Size of the array  Represent the number of elements in the array  Indicated by  E.g. “ int array[10] ”  Can use to store 10 integers  must be An int constant A constant expression Note  An array can have multiple dimensions  E.g. int array[10][20];

Lecture Review E.g.  // array of 10 integer  // which is uninitialized  int array[10]; -- array

Lecture Review Subscripting  To access an individual element Must apply a subscript to the corresponding array  A subscript Use bracketed expression E.g.  array[x]  The expression in the brackets Known as the index E.g.  x stated in array[x]

Lecture Review Note  First element of array Has index 0  array[0]  Second element of array Has index 1, and so on array[1], array[2], array[3], …  Last element Has an index [array_size – 1]  array[array_size – 1] E.g.  If an array is declared as int array[10]  Last element is array[9]

Subscripting E.g.  // array of 10 uninitialized ints  int array[10];  array[3] = 1;  int x = array[3]; 1 -- array

Lecture Review Use for loop to access/process all the elements of an array E.g. for (i=0; i<array_size; i++) { // assign value to an element of array array[i] = x; // assign value of an element to a variable x = array[i]; … }

Array Initialization Declaration only reserves memory for the elements in the array  No values will be stored To initialize an array  Assign value to each of the element E.g array int array[10] = {9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};

SUMMARY By the end of this lab, you should be able to:  Declare and manipulate both 1-D arrays

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