Energy Calibration using SNRs: preliminary results Andrea Tiengo INAF, IASF-Milano Mallorca, 6 November 2007 EPIC Calibration Meeting
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 EPIC calibration with SNRs Main objective of SNR calibration observations: 1)Monitor EPIC gain and energy resolution 2)Check if they vary with detector position and count rate Analysis strategy: Extract PN, MOS1 and MOS2 SNRs spectra and response matrices with SAS v7.1 (CCFs: August 2007) Fit brightest lines in XSPEC with Gaussians (and PL continuum) Results (work in progress…): 1)Energies and widths of different lines of different SNRs at different times (only a few examples already done) 2)The same from different detector regions (to be done)
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 SNRs EPIC observations These are the main targets: 1ES : 21 obs. N132D: 31 obs. Cas A: 10 obs. Tycho SNR: 5 obs. Only a fraction of these observations are directly comparable: different observing modes, exposure times, off-axis and position angles…
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 PN spectra Si Fe Start from bright lines in bright SNR: Si/Fe lines in Tycho (Cas A observed in different operating modes)
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 Tycho: PN fit to Si/Fe lines -2.4 0.1 eV/yr -13 1 eV/yr <2.3 eV/yr (3 ) <6.3 eV/yr
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 PN MOS1 MOS2 Tycho: MOS1/MOS2 fit to Si line Gaussian fit to Si line in MOS gives unacceptable fits.
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 Tycho: MOS1/MOS2 fit to Fe line <1.5 eV/yr <3.5 eV/yr <7.4 eV/yr <9 eV/yr MOS1MOS2
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 PN spectra Si Fe N132D: dim, but many obs. (to start, I select ~1/year)
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 N132D: PN fit to Si/Fe lines 1.2 0.2 eV/yr ( 2 >2) 6.5 2.5 eV/yr Incompatible with results from Tycho SNR: Si: -2.4 0.1 eV/yr; Fe: -13 1 eV/yr But: N132D fit unacceptable Tycho obs. in 2005/2006/2007 Fitting only N132D obs. after 2004: Si: -1.4 0.8 eV/yr; Fe: 0 8 eV/yr Consistent results in the same period ( )
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 N132D: PN fit to Si/Fe lines 1.2 0.2 eV/yr ( 2 >2) <14 eV/yr (3 ) <3 eV/yr <15 eV/yr
A. Tiengo - Mallorca, 6 November 2007 Conclusions From preliminary analysis (2 lines, 2 SNRs, 12 obs): Energy resolution is stable with time Gain is stable in MOS but has significant fluctuations in PN No significant rate dependence Work in progress: Complete semi-automatic analysis procedure Extending same analysis to more (all) lines, all (4) SNRs, all (67) observations Spatially resolved analysis (CTI) Can this analysis be useful to improve CCFs?