Marketing 160 Principles of Marketing With Duane Weaver
INTRODUCTIONS - Instructor Duane Weaver B.Comm., M.D.Ed. (honours), IESNA CEO 2Birds1Stone Marketing, Business & Computer Applications Instructor 20+ years management experience (marketing) Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail experience Positions: Board of Directors, CEO, General Manager, International Sales Manager, Business Development Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Product Manager, Market Manager, Service Manager, Parts Manager, Account Manager, Marketing/Business Consultant, Instructor Enjoy sailing, soccer, badminton, cycling, golf and camping
INTRODUCTIONS - Students Your name? Something of interest about yourself? What do you expect from this course? What do you love or hate about marketing? Why?
What is Marketing? Take out a piece of paper: Your name (please print) Your Student ID# Briefly answer the above question (in one paragraph or less) Hand your paper to the instructor
COURSE OUTLINE AND TEXT Course Outline - See Handout Also available on the web at our class website: TEXT: Armstrong, et. al., Marketing: an introduction, 5 rd Canadian Edition, Toronto: Pearson Education Canada, a division of Pearson Canada Inc.
Overview of Cases and Teams This course will include a case-study approach and a Major Marketing Plan Project. Students will be asked to form study/case groups of approx. 5-6 within the second week of classes. The groups are expected to work on and prepare a major marketing plan as we proceed through the course. In addition the study teams will also work on and present one case assignment. All other teams are also expected to review and discuss the cases in preparation for class discussion. (See for team case and project presentation schedules)
Case Studies and Guidelines Case guidelines are available on the class website. Case evaluation (see class website for grading matrix) Project evaluation (see class website for grading matrix and guidelines) All Team members receive the same grade for the case/project (choose your team partners wisely) – try to have a variety of cultures on your team. Team selection will be a guided process.
GROUP CASE PRESENTATION and REPORTS Group Case presentations are due the class of the Case Analysis. NOTE: ALL STUDENTS on the case team will receive the same grade. Your team members will be your team for the entire course. Late Project reports (without prior arrangement and for good cause) will be assessed a 10% daily penalty, up to three calendar days. Case reports handed in late beyond three days will receive a mark of 0 for that particular assignment. Exams and Presentations are due the date scheduled, failure to make that commitment results in a 0% grade (without prior arrangement and for good cause)
Case Sources Case Studies are located at the end of each chapter and accessible on the web as indicated in your course book. You will need your text book when you are accessing any of the online case videos.
THANK YOU On Wednesday (Jennifer Ford will guide you through a debate) To prepare please: Read Chapter 3 on Ethics Read the downloadable handout on the class website: “Pink Ribbon…” Review the related weblink on the class website