SPIRIT Robotics and STEM Learning Bing Chen, Neal Grandgenett, Elliott Ostler
A Little About Us: SPIRIT (NSF: ITEST) Done Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in IT Teacher Training (Robotics) Teachers Develop Lesson Ideas SPIRIT 2.0 (NSF: Discovery K12) Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in IT 2.0 New Robotics Innovations National Robotics CyberCurriculum unomaha.edu/Tek Bots/ PKI’s Computer Electronics and Engineering UNO’s College of Education OPS’ Mathematics and Science
How can you collaborate with us? 1.Suggest teachers to work with us in piloting robotics lessons and activities in classrooms 2.Provide ideas, suggestions, criticisms 3.Participate in an educational robotics contest 4.Help us figure out our cyberinfrastructure strategies 5.Help us figure out the Center operational process 6.Help us connect to new ideas, literacy, etc. 7.Tell us that we are not insane…just a bit crazy 8.Help us figure out other things to do Neal Grandgenett Bing Chen (402) (402)
The “Gathering STEM Storm” S cience T echnology E ngineering M athematics…