Team 5 Small, Lightweight Speed and Distance Sensor for Skiers & Snowboarders Kunal Verma Manager Justin Erskine Webmaster Temika Cage Presentation Coordinator Tim Ross Document Coordinator Ben Guild Laboratory Coordinator Contact: Dr. Stephen W. Schneider Dr. Shanker Balasubramaniam Facilitator
Project Goals Create a device with the following features: Speed, Distance, and Time Recording User-Friendly Safe/Robust Design Inexpensive Long Battery Life Easy Data Retrieval Preferred: Doppler Radar
Doppler Radar Signal is sent out at a fixed frequency Received signal has a shifted frequency from the reflection Calculate speed using frequency deviation
Design Specifications Our design has several requirements that must be met: Measurements (minimum one minute intervals) Average speed Max Speed Distance Travelled Safety Lightweight (< 2 lbs.) Disabled display during recording Weather resistance Low temperature operation (-10F) Power and Efficiency Auto-off after 10 minutes of operation At least 2 hours of battery life Operation Data storage requirement for at least 10 minutes of run data Data report on LCD or data export to external device
Final Design Radar Device Sends and receives EM waves off the ground Produces output voltage dependent upon frequency shift in the returning wave Prefabricated Doppler radar module (easy to replace) Control System Microprocessor (PIC) based implementation Handles interaction with the user interface Performs calculations and storage of data from radar device User Interface Will consist of an LCD display and controls Layout will allow for easy manipulation of controls and high visibility
Block Diagram
Final Prototype
Achieved Design Specs Measurements (minimum one minute intervals) Average speed Max Speed Distance Travelled Safety Lightweight (< 2 lbs.) Disabled display during recording Power and Efficiency At least 2 hours of battery life Operation Data storage requirement for at least 10 minutes of run data Data report on LCD or data export to external device
Unachieved Design Specs Auto LCD Shutoff Weather-resistant Temperature - Untested
How It Works Simple Menu System Start Run Recorded Runs Delete Runs Settings Start Run Shuts off LCD and waits for user to being moving Records Run Speeds throughout run At end of Run, stores Run data
Recorded Runs Access old runs Stores up to 20 runs Additional features LCD Screen shuts down on user movement Adjustable Contrast on LCD Screen How It Works
Budget Final Cost Breakdown ItemPriceOur CostsProduction Cost PIC$6.32$0.00$3.95 Battery$10.88 $7.61 Switch$1.17 Large Project Box$3.69 Small Project Box$2.29 Printed Circuit Boards$3.98 LCD$33.00$0.00$25.00 Doppler Module$15.00 LM324N$0.46$0.00$0.29 LM2907$2.02 $1.46 LM7805$0.60$0.00$0.38 MX045$3.35$0.00$1.91 Capacitors (x5)$0.10$0.00 $0.10 Inductors (x2)$1.80$0.00 $1.80 Resistors (x14)$0.98$0.00$0.98 Phono Jack Set (x2)$0.60 Savings $16.03 Total$86.24$39.63 $70.21
Final Results
Future Design Improvements External EEPROM More powerful Doppler Module Device Structure Wireless Communication -or- One component USB Connection