CG Enlarge the class of CG matrices CG in non-standard way applied to a class of symmetric indefinite matrices Gene Golub: for the construction of a 3-term conjugate gradient like (CG) method for nonsymmetric real matrices SPD
Remark: 1)A symmetric?? 2)A is normal matrix ???
CG(3)=matrices for which iterations can be carried out using 3-term recursion Faber&M def + A normal F&M slides wathen Any idea??? + A normal If eigs not line
Use wathen Faber & M CG(3)=matrices for which iterations can be carried out using 3-term recursion wathen Faber&M + A normal F&M slides def F&M slides + A normal If eigs not line A is the translation and rotation of a -self adjoint matrix if A is B-self adjoint BA Hermition for HSPD