Tucson High School Biotechnology Course Spring 2010
What is gel electrophoresis? wells DNA (-)
Loading Buffer pcr products + STAIN
DNA Sequencing
DNA Sequencing: Basic Principle Sequence of base pairs?? AACGGATCATTCG polymerase
first human genome = ten $1 billion The quest for the $1K human genome 2nd: 10,000 instrument days (30 instruments for 1 $10 million J. Craig Venter 3rd: 454 pyrosequencing, two $2 million James Watson Nature, Nov “effectively” 4 human genomes each) - first African genome (Illumina, UK) - first Asian genome (Beijing Genomics, China) - first cancer genome (Washington University, USA) The $1,000 human genome, coming soon?
454 Pyrosequencing - the generations
The “pyro” in pyrosequencing
Images courtesy of Roche (Technical presentation)
Pyrosequencing - emPCR
Pyrosequencing - image processing
Sequence production (Billions of bases/month) Cost: Cents per base Courtesy of Phil Hugenholtz (JGI) Sequencing costs