1 Continuing Professional Development Workshop Developing your HEA Portfolio Paul Dennison Learning and Teaching Symposium 2007
2 You have successfully completed an HEA accredited teacher training programme. At Greenwich these are: –PGCE (Sep 1996 to Aug 1999) –PGCHE (Sep 2006 on) –PDDip or MA in HE (Sept 2001 to Aug 2006) You hold a National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) award. NOTE: Previously, if you were a member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching in HE, which closed in 2004, (ILT), you were able, for a time, to convert your membership to the HEA. As of now, you need to re- apply for professional recognition via portfolio. HE Academy: You can apply for automatic recognition if...
3 Complete the Application Booklet (Portfolio) Referee 2 Notified within 2 weeks application (+ fee) received Send off Notified within 8 weeks of result. One-off registration fee £50 Missing docs? Referee 1 HE Academy: the individual Recognition Scheme Yes No Accepted
4 HE Academy: The Individual Recognition Scheme If you apply to become a Fellow you should: have 3 yrs or more HE experience (1 yr for Assoc.) demonstrate experience in 6 areas of Prof. Activity: 1. Design and planning of learning activities and/or programmes of study 2. Teaching and/or supporting student learning 3. Assessment and giving feedback to learners 4. Developing effective environments and student support and guidance 5. Integration of scholarship, research and professional activities with teaching and supporting learning 6. Evaluation of practice and continuing professional development *UK Professional Standards Framework (Assoc. should demonstrate area 5 and one other) supply 2 referees to corroborate your evidence pay a one-off £50 registration fee.
5 You must demonstrate your experience in the 6 areas of professional practice in 6 x 500 word evidence submissions - your “portfolio” or application booklet. No additional appendices allowed. Your evidence is expected to show how Core Knowledge and Professional Values underpin and inform your practice. HE Academy: The Individual Recognition Scheme
6 Core Knowledge You must demonstrate a knowledge of 1. The subject material 2. Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme 3. How students learn, both generally and in the subject 4. The use of appropriate learning technologies 5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching 6. The implications of quality assurance and enhancement for professional practice *UK Professional Standards Framework HE Academy: The Individual Recognition Scheme
7 Professional Values You must show: Respect for individual learners Commitment to incorporating the process and outcomes of relevant research, scholarship and prof. practice Commitment to the development of learning communities Commitment to encouraging participation in HE, acknowledging diversity and promoting equality of opportunity Commitment to CPD and evaluation of your own practice *UK Professional Standards Framework HE Academy: The Individual Recognition Scheme
8 HE Academy: Referees Referees provide a peer review of the applicant’s practice and support and supplement the information given in the application. They need to read your application before composing your reference. They should comment on how you meet the application criteria for the Academy, using their knowledge of your work and its context, especially your most recent role and responsibilities. Probably they need to talk this over with you.
9 Your referees should be: experienced staff active in teaching and learning support able to comment knowledgeably first-hand on your work. not necessarily very senior members of your organisation able to comment on your current/recent role and responsibilities Examples: someone who has observed your teaching a fellow course team member your line manager someone from another organisation with whom you have worked. HE Academy: Who should be Referees
10 Applications are checked that they are reliable, consistent, and valid. Accreditors then look for information on: significant experience of the areas of professional activity (see UK Professional Standards Framework) awareness of pedagogical issues, both generally and within own discipline ability to choose, adapt and apply methods and approaches that are relevant to the context of work integration of scholarship, research & professional activities with teaching & supporting learning ability to demonstrate that evaluation and CPD inform practice HE Academy: How are applications accredited?
11 HE Academy: The Individual Recognition Scheme The application portfolio asks for 500 words about each of the following areas: 1.Design and planning of learning activities and/or programmes of study 2. Teaching and/or supporting student learning 3. Assessment and giving feedback to learners 4. Developing effective environments and student support and guidance 5. Integration of scholarship, research and professional activities with teaching and supporting learning 6. Evaluation of practice and CPD *UK Professional Standards Framework
12 Student centred learning Professional Values
13 Student centred learning Research Scholarship Prof. Practice Professional Values
14 Professional Values Research Scholarship Prof. Practice Student centred learning Learning Communities
15 Professional Values Research Scholarship Prof. Practice Learning Communities Student centred learning Diversity Equal opportunity
16 Professional Values Research Scholarship Prof. Practice Learning Communities Student centred learning Diversity Equal opportunity CPD & Evaluation