BSc(Hons) in Property Management Interview with Mr. Anthony Kin-ho Wong Programme Leader of the Department of Building and Real Estate Interviewed & reported by Angie Shuk-ming Liu, PolyU Student Ambassador and Year 3 student of BA(Hons) in Language & Communication April 2005
1.What are the special features of this new programme? 1st UGC-funded full-time/sandwich programme in Hong Kong that is specialized in property management Working hand-in-hand with the Hong Kong Institute of Housing in the programme design Professional accreditation from the Hong Kong Institute of Housing being processed
2.How does the programme relate to the demands and needs of the property management sector? With inputs from the Hong Kong Institute of Housing and professional practitioners, the programme provides inter-disciplinary, vocational based education and is tailor-made to meet the exact needs of the property management industry. Training in the core components, negotiation and presentation skills is included.
3. What are the career prospects for the graduates of this programme? * A common misconception: property managers = building attendants Property Managers are NOT equivalent to Building Attendants Graduates will be engaged in other senior/managerial positions in property management Graduates can be employed as property managers in housing estates, including retail and commercial buildings, in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region.
4. What kinds of training/exposure opportunities are available? Study Exchange Programme with Loughborough University (UK) and the Queensland University of Technology (Australia) Training/placement in companies of the relevant field through Work Integrated Education (WIE)
5. The double degree option Social science subjects offered by the Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) to widen students’ horizons The double degree option leads also to the BA(Hons) in Social Policy and Administration with one additional year of study
6. What attributes of the candidates are we looking for ? *Not shy ( a must!) Out-going Eager to talk to people Sociable Good at negotiation Sharp With an acute sense to current affairs