Exam prep IS 6006
Exam type 3 hours Must attempt 4 out of the 6 questions in paper My section is 2 out 3 Questions are either –Essay type –(Short) Scenario type –Multi-part with specific marking indicated
Topics What is an enterprise wide application –Definition –Family tree –A bit of history etc.. Introduction to ERP (general) –Key characteristics / modules –Problems and potential benefits –Goals of implementations Detailed history of Enterprise Integration –EOQ, MRP, MRPII, ERP, SCM, CRM, XRP, ERPII etc –Diagrams Buying software and buying ERP –Case studies –Analysing fit –Team creation –Business integration – illustrations and examples –Communication –Buying process: The ITT,….. Integration of business processes ERP implementations –training –Communication –Data transfers –Go live –Managing change What happens to competitive advantage –ERP market Project Management for ERP Digging deeper in ERP –Analogy with Taylorism –Sorcerer’s apprentice or Trojan horse Extending ERP –How ERP is moving on / pressures to change –ERP and Outsourcing arrangements –Managing exceptions PPARS case study Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Example of question on ERP implementations A number of key problem areas emerge in most ERP implementations. Some of them require specialist expertise to be added to the ERP team on a full time basis because they are so important for the success of an ERP project (parts a and b below carry equal marks): Change Management Specialist: Focusing on the issues related to changes in work practices for operators and managers and changes in the organisation of functional areas (eg: loss of autonomy, centralization, etc…), discuss the change management problems faced by implementing firms and the solutions can be proposed to tackle these problems successfully. (13 Percent) Training Specialist: Focusing on training issues, discuss the problems that can be faced by implementing firms and what solutions can be applied to tackle these problems successfully. (12 Percent) –Could have a number of other factors in question… –Eg: bringing together IT and business expertise, integration (*), project management (*,**), communication about the project…