Research to make publications and winning R&D Funding Best value research → Product focus – An intelligent business partner Design Services/Project focus Foreign Societies Society AcademiaGraduates: Need more training Research: Publications, Theses GovernmentInvestment: In Future Foreign Universities Graduates: Productive and useful Pakistani Model Trickling Effect Local Industry Development: Products and Services Foreign Industry Development: Products and Services FundingScholarships FundingScholarships FundingScholarships
Background Founding member and CTO of Avaz Networks Inc USA – Raised US $ 17 Million in venture funding – Identified VoIP based series of products in – Managing Director Communication Enabling Technologies Pakistan Research and Development arm of Avaz 170 Engineers, 10 holding PhD
VoIP World Wide Market Prediction in 1999 ($ Billions) Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Technology Adoption Life Cycle Opportunity Recognition (Market Analysis) – Identify a Market Need – Examine the Competitive Dynamics of the Industry – Determine Growth Potential Marketing Strategy – Develop a Unique Positioning – Develop Marketing Objectives – Build a Set of Penetration Strategies (e.g., Pricing, Promotion)
Prospect Pipeline Avaz Confidential World Highest Density Media Processing Chip Developed in Pakistan in 2000 World Highest Density Media Processing Chip Developed in Pakistan in 2000