How To Evangelize Buddhists / The Basics of Buddhism Jack Hong
The Basics of the Buddhism How to evangelize Buddhists Jack Hong The Basics of the Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of this religion. He is a prince from northern India. The Scriptures are compiled in the Pali Canon. Approximately over 400 million people in the world are believe in Buddhism. The Core belifs (1) life is full of suffering (dukkha); (2) suffering is caused by craving (samudaya); (3) suffering will cease only when craving ceases (nirodha); and (4) this can be achieved by following the Noble Eightfold Path consisting of right views, right aspiration, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right contemplation. Nothing in life is permanent – They do not believe in after life.
Bridges for evangelizing Buddhists! How to evangelize Buddhists Ch4 Existence of God Bridges for evangelizing Buddhists! The gospel can be appealing to Buddhists if witnessing on areas of personal need where the Buddhists belief system is weak. Suffering: Buddhists are strongly concerned with overcoming suffering, but deny that suffering is not exist. However, the Christians face the suffering and overcoming by solving their sins. They are convinced that who believe in Christ would be saved from the sins because they have hope of a future life free of suffering. Meaningful self: Basically, Buddhists believe that they have no personal significance. However, the Christians believe they are significant because they are made in God’s image with an eternal destiny. Jesus demonstrated Christians’ value by loving us so much that He sacrificed Himself in the cross for atoning our sins. The Cosmological Assertion Every finite reality, whether it appears to be designed or not, must be dependent on an infinite God, simply because of its finitude. Why is there something rather than nothing? - Leibizian
Continued How to evangelize Buddhists Ch4 Existence of God Continued Future Hope: The hope of nirvana is no hope at all-only death and extinction. The hope of those who put their trust in Christ is an eternal good life in a “New Heaven and New Earth”. Moral Law: Under Karma, there can be no appeal, no mercy and no escape except through unceasing effort at self-perfection. Christians understand that the moral force governing the universe is a personal God, who with love personally controls for good the lives of those who follow Christ. Buddhists try to earn merits by doing good deeds, hoping to collect enough to be free from life of suffering. However, Christians do not need to earn merit because righteous Jesus sacrificed himself in order to offer merit to everyone who wants to be his disciple. Desire: Buddhists seek to overcome suffering by taking all their desires out. On the other hand, Christians seek to reject evil desires and cultivate good desires according to standard of righteous Christ.
Jesus and the Eightfold-Path How to evangelize Buddhists Jesus and the Eightfold-Path Because Buddhists think a good life consists of following the Eightfold Path, the stages of the path can be used to introduce them to Christ as follows : Right View: deals with wisdom. They believe right view yields right thoughts and right actions. Right Intention : talks about mental energy that control our actions and speeches. Right Speech : deals with moral (ethical discipline) – very essential in Buddhism because they emphasize the mental purification Right Intention Resistence to the pull of desire Control the anger Not to act cruelly – instead develop compassion
Right Effort: Without an act of will, nothing can be achieved. Continued Right Action: abstain from harm any creatures, abstain from stealing, abstain from sexual misconduct. Basically right action comes after you learned the right speech. Right livelihood: This principle emphasize that we should gain wealth legally and peacefully. Right Effort: Without an act of will, nothing can be achieved. Right mindfulness: It is the mental ability to see things with clear consciousness. Right Concentration : Focused mind, be able to concentrate on one particular object.
The Precepts from Buddhism (Their “10 commandment”) How to evangelize Buddhists Jack Hong The Precepts from Buddhism (Their “10 commandment”) Do not harm living things Do not take things not freely given No sexual misconduct No false speech Do not drink intoxicating drinks or drugs Do not dance, sing, and listen to music Do not use personal adornment (Perfume) Do not take late meals Do not use of high seats Do not accept gold or silver
How can we persuade Buddhists How to evangelize Buddhist Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God How can we persuade Buddhists We should respect their interests – They are strongly believed in Eightfold Path Escaping from the suffering Finding peace through meditation Be careful using terms life “Rebirth, Renewal, Regeneration” – because they do not believe in eternal life. They think death is ultimate. Nothing else would be matter after death. Understand Buddhism beliefs well enough to point weaknesses that can be used to make gospel appealing Share your testimony so that Buddhists can understand the Christianity better. Prepare with prayer/ Focus on gospel message Use Bridge diagram – easier to explain Be careful not to reduce Christian truth