2006 Idaho Climate and Water Resource Forecast Sponsored by: Climate Impacts Group at the University of Washington and the Idaho Department of Water Resources
Nez Perce Settlement Agreement IWRB Minimum Streamflow Implementation for List A and List B Streams. Legislation approved by 58 th Idaho Legislature.
Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Settlement Effectuate a net water budget change of 600,000 to 900,000 acre-feet annually. Monitoring program will ensure that water budget changes do occur. Costs to be responsibility of those that receive benefit.
Framework Basis Based on prior appropriation doctrine. Newly reformulated and calibrated Eastern Snake Plain ground water flow model will be used to quantify effects of ground water, climate and related changes on aquifer and Snake River.
Acquisition of Bell Rapids Project Water Rights Project was 25,000 acre High Lift pumping project South of Hagerman. IWRB solicited offers to sell and or lease water rights for 2005 irrigation season. Bell Rapids largest single response. Legislature appropriated $24,375,000 to the Idaho Water Resource Board to purchase the Bell Rapids water right.
Bell Rapids (cont’d) Board and Bell Rapids finalized purchase of approximately 75,000 acre-feet of water June 30, Board to repay General Fund $21,000,000, plus 3% interest, July 1, Board entered into a 30 year lease with the Bureau of Reclamation for 60,000 acre feet of water for Salmon flow augmentation.
Reformulation of Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Model Calibrated ground water flow model was completed by IWRRI in July. Final Report is under review and should be ready by December or sooner. Model was used for evaluation of scenario’s to help quantify effects of various stresses; drought, climate, reduced irrigation diversion and ground water withdrawal.
Litigation IDWR is responding to numerous law suits regarding delivery of water on the Eastern Snake River Plain. Director used new model and other IDWR accounting and planning models to quantify potential injury to senior water right holders. Technical staff fully occupied supporting Director and responding to information request from parties to the law suits.
W-Canal Recharge Project Managed Recharge major component in Eastern Snake water budget redistribution. Done preliminary studies but have very little actual experience, and what we do have gives pause. Submitted a BOR 2025 Grant Application which was approved for $250,000 to be matched by State.
W-Canal (cont’d) Demonstration project North of Wendell off the North Side Canal system. Estimated project cost is $600,000 Capacity should be up to 10,000 acre-feet per year and may be expandable. Rest of funds to come from IWRB and other sources.