XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 Update on refinement of the PSF - Spectral and spatial studies involving EPIC data from - MCG C 273
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Rev 0301 – SW M-filter ksec – some low-level flaring Rev 0302 – SW M-filter ksec – clean (a few small flares) Rev 0303 – SW M-filter ksec – very clean indeed !! Bright point source – not too piled-up Analysis of 2-10 keV flare-subtracted singles
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Annuli : 0, 5, 10…40 pixels [1 pixel = 1.1”]
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG M1 0303
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG M0S R all
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG MOS R > 5 pixels
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG MOS R > 10 pixels
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG PN 0301 R all
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Radius (1.1” pixels) Power-law index vs Radius (0301) 2-10 keV flare-subtracted singles fitted with (Galactic) absorption plus power-law model 5 pixel bins ”----
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Radius (1.1” pixels) Normalization vs Radius (0301) 2-10 keV flare-subtracted singles fitted with (Galactic) absorption plus power-law model
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm. vs R o o o o PSF=CCF(KING)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm vs R PSF=CCF(King)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Only part of ARF that changes with R is the EE component EE comp. of ARF for different annuli (0303 M2) … for R=0-5, 5-10 & for M1, M2 & PN (0301)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Other components of ARF (effective area, quantum efficiency, filter transmission) do not change with R (for each instrument)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Radius (pixels: 1.1”) Power-law index vs. Radius Normalization vs. Radius
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 ON-AXIS -Analysis of King Profile PSF in CCF - Core Radius R0 and slope alpha show strong energy dependence APPROACH 1 - Redo entire spectral analysis using altered King profiles with various R0-E and Alpha-E dependencies - Initial results suggested a far flatter energy dependence is required MOS 1 PSF KING (r) =α r0r0 α [1+(r/r 0 )²] A_________ King PSFs in the CCF
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MOS 2 ON-AXIS PN
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG AlphaNorm. PSF=CCF(HIGH-ACC) original boundary! (no energy dependence)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm. vs R o o o o PSF=CCF(KING)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG APPROACH #1 - Exploration of parameter space in King profile R0- and Alpha-dependence --- Alter CCF files (XPSF, extension 70 [King], just on-axis values) --- Redo entire analysis (3 observations, 3 instruments, 8 spectra/ARFs) --- Re-alter CCF files (XPSF) and repeat… - Number of these searched-for (S) PSF dependencies give good results e.g. MOS1 R0=4.5 (constant with E) alpha= (decreasing with E) MOS2 R0=4.5 (constant with E) alpha= (decreasing with E) PN R0=5.0 (constant with E) alpha= (decreasing with E) …(also more complex dependencies can give even better results…)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG AlphaNorm. PSF=S(earched)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm. vs R o o o o PSF=CCF(KING)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm vs R PSF=S(earched)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm vs R PSF=CCF(King)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG APPROACH #2 - Data of sufficient quality to calculate PSFs in small energy bands - Development of software to fit King profiles to images - See how these King profiles compare to those in the CCF - Use these King profile PSFs in the spectral analysis
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Examples of King profile fits to narrow-band images MOS1 Rev keV PN Rev keV
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSF King-profile fitting results - MGC06 MOS1 Exposure-weighted ON-AXIS CCF Best S(earch)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG06 MOS2 ON-AXIS CCF Best S(earch)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG06 PN Best S(earch) ON-AXIS CCF
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm. vs R o o o o PSF=CCF(KING)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm. vs R o o o o PSF=King-Fit
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Alpha vs RNorm. vs R o o o o PSF=Best-S
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C MOS SW observations 6 M1 (0094, 0095, 0096, 0277[x2], M2 (0094, 0095, 0096, 0277[x2], 0370, 0373, 0472[x2], 0554, 0563[x2]) Individual observations not as long as for MCG Source more piled-up than MCG Analysis of 2-10 keV singles (spectral fitting using [Galactic] absorption plus power-law model)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Annuli : 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 pixels [1 pixel = 1.1”]
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Radius (1.1” pixels) Rev 0094 Power-law index vs radius Rev 0094 Normalization vs radius PSF=CCF(KING)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Power-law index vs radius Radius (1.1” pixels) PSF=CCF(KING)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Normalization vs radius Radius (1.1” pixels) PSF=CCF(KING)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Power-law index vs radius Radius (1.1” pixels) PSF=Best-S (using MCG-6 data)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Normalization vs radius Radius (1.1” pixels) PSF=Best-S
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Power-law index vs radius Radius (1.1” pixels) PSF=CCF(King)PSF=Best-S ||||||||||||||||||||||
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273 Normalization vs radius Radius (1.1” pixels) PSF=CCF(King)PSF=Best-S ||||||||||||||||||||||
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 3C273
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 Calibration of the PSF Large number of bright source observations Only specific range of radii allowed – pile-up at small R - statistics/window size at large R Stack the observations on to one-another (keeping good R range), to build a good 2-D representation Problems: normalising the maps w.r.t. each other very different count rates per frame different exposures, levels of OOT events
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 Calibration of the PSF REV INEX M Target 0057 M1 5 FF GX13+1(hard) 0057 M1 4 FF GX13+1(hard) 0061 M1 18 FF GX13+1(hard) 0062 M1 13 FF GX13+1(hard) 0092 M1 20 FF LMCX M1 10 FF 3C M1 38 FF EXHydrae 0165 M1 55 FF VelaX-1(hard) 0185 M1 39 FF ABDor 0216 M1 21 FF 4U (hard) 0216 M1 57 FF 4U (hard) 0266 M1 48 FF ABDor 0440 M1 18 FF Mrk421(Thick) 0537 M1 67 FF Mrk421(Thin) 0192 M1 34 LW Mrk M1 23 LW HR M1 30 LW Capella 0094 M1 56 SW 3C M1 26 SW 3C M1 23 SW 3C M1 46 SW 3C M1 4 FF GX13+1(hard) 0155 M1 55 SW AUMicroscopii 0161 M1 26 SW Mrk M1 44 SW NGC M1 43 SW 3C M1 30 SWFR PKS M1 22 SWFR LMCX M2 18 FF GX13+1(hard) 0062 M2 13 FF GX13+1(hard) 0092 M2 20 FF LMCX M2 10 FF 3C M2 52 FF MCG M2 39 FF ABDor 0257 M2 39 FF X M2 49 FF ABDor 0243 M2 20 FF sigmaGeminorum 0440 M2 37 FF Mrk421(Thin) 0440 M2 17 FF Mrk421(Thin) 0537 M2 67 FF Mrk421(Thin) 0192 M2 34 LW Mrk M2 23 LW HR M2 30 LW Capella 0094 M2 56 SW 3C M2 26 SW 3C M2 24 SW 3C M2 47 SW 3C M2 35 SW NGC M2 26 SW Mrk M2 43 SW VelaX-1(hard) 0188 M2 59 SW RXJ M2 28 SW lamAndromeda 0216 M2 22 SW 4U (hard) 0216 M2 57 SW 4U (hard) 0218 M2 29 SW UXArietis 0220 M2 20 SW 4U (hard) 0277 M2 43 SW 3C M2 45 SW 3C M2 59 SW NGC M2 28 SW NGC M2 20 SWFR Mrk M2 36 SWFR PKS M2 21 SWFR LMCX PN 88 SW 3C PN 59 SW NGC 0092 PN 24 SW LMC 0092 PN 21 FF LMC
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 Analysis of the X-ray PSF PSFs in the CCF MCG C273 Calibration of the PSF
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF ‘ Low ’ : Analytic ‘ Medium ’ : Image library ‘ Extended ’ : Analytic ‘ High ’ : Analytic
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF Low : Analytic 6 Parameters, varying with E and theta E : 0.1, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, 10.5, 12, 13.5, 15 keV Theta : 0’, 3’, 6’, 9’, 12’, 15’ M1=M2=PN 0.1keV=1.5keV, thereafter variation with E variation with theta Parameters P1, P6 not used (?)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF Medium : Image Library E : 0.1, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, 10.5, 12, 13.5, 15 keV (same as Low) Theta : 0’, 3’, 6’, 9’, 12’, 15’ (same as Low) M1=M2=PN 0.1keV=1.5keV, thereafter variation with E variation with theta
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF E=1.5, theta=0, phi=0E=0.1, theta=0, phi=0 E=6.0, theta=0, phi=0E=6.0, theta=9’, phi=0E=6.0, theta=9’, phi=90 E=3.0, theta=0, phi=0 Medium M1(=M2=PN)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF Extended : Analytic – ‘KING’ profile E : 0, 0.1, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 10, 12, 13.5, keV Theta : 0’, 2’, 4’, 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’, 14’ M1, M2, PN different variation with instrument variation with E variation with theta (?) Also, BETA profile exists in CCF 3 Parameters M1=M2 (no PN)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF Extended - King M1(not=M2, PN) E=0.1, theta=0, phi=0E=1.5, theta=0, phi=0E=3.0, theta=0, phi=0 E=6.0, theta=0, phi=0E=6.0, theta=9’, phi=0E=6.0, theta=9’, phi=90
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF Extended - King Variation with Instrument
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF Extended - King Variation with Energy
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF Extended - King Variation with Theta
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF HIGH : Analytic – ‘3 Gaussians’ profile 1 Set of 7 parameters (M1: P6=P7=0) M1, M2, PN different variation with instrument No variation with E No variation with theta
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 PSFs in the CCF High Variation with Theta Variation with Instrument
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG M1 PSF study
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG M2 PSF study
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG King profile, though good, may show underprediction in the core – (status of EPIC calibration CAL-TN-0018)
XMM EPIC MOS Andy Read EPIC Calibration Meeting Leicester University 05/11/03 MCG Rev 0301 M1 Alter EE component Of ARF: (S)lope *0.5, 0.0 (N)orm.*0.8,1.2