Stori Dewi Sant Blwyddyn 2/Year 2 Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Allta
Activities that led to the creation of the Powerpoint presentation. Research on the story of Saint David using books and internet - children used a circle map to note new things learned. Diamond ranking - the important parts of the story. Discussion around the important parts of the story to include in the presentation. Children created pictures to represent the story of Saint David. Pupils scanned their pictures into a Powerpoint presentation and learned how to input text. The pupils prepared a Welsh version of the text to begin with and then translated into English. Pupils visited other classes in order to communicate their work. Pupils evaluated their presentation offering ways forward.
Foundation Phase Curriculum Begin to write in a conventional way, communicating by words, phrases and short sentences. Organise and present imaginative and factual writing in different ways. Plan and review their writing, assembling and developing their ideas using ICT and presenting their writing clearly in order to communicate their meaning effectively.
Skills across the Curriculum Wales Thinking (Plan) - Gathering ideas and information. Thinking (Reflect) - Describe what has been learnt/found out. Communication (Writing and Wider- communication skills) - Write and represent information in a variety of ways. ICT - Presenting information in a range of text and pictures.
Key Competences Key CompetenceOutcomes Communication in the mother tongue The pupils have used sound grammar and vocabulary in order to re-create the story on Powerpoint. The pupils are aware of a different type of writing - a legend of Welsh history. The pupils were able to develop their skills by researching and presenting information on the story of Saint David. They produced a piece of writing in simple sentences showing full awareness of their audience. Communication in foreign languages They were able to translate the sentences from Welsh into English (their second language) and began to use the appropriate vocabulary and grammar to do this. They communicated with the teacher in order to present it correctly for a wider audience. Mathematical literacy and competence in science and technology Digital competence The pupils developed a strong understanding on how to create a Powerpoint presentation by scanning pictures and placing text into a story. They were able to use a website in order to research information about Saint David.
Key Competences Key CompetenceOutcomes Learning to learn The pupils were able to work as a group when collating information about Saint David in order to decide who did what. They developed the self-motivation to complete the task to a high standard, aware of the wide-ranging audience. Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competences The pupils developed a greater understanding of their own culture by researching and creating the Powerpoint, and developed a willingness to share their work with European friends. The pupils showed respect and patience for members of their group and showed assertiveness when deciding on who would do what task. Entrepreneurship The pupils prioritised their work by diamond ranking and decided on the important information from the story to include in the powerpoint presentation. Cultural Expression The pupils gained a strong sense of cultural identity by learning the history of their patron saint.
Dyma Dewi Sant. Dyn da oedd Dewi. Here is Saint David. David was a good man.
Symudodd Dewi a’i ffrindiau i le o’r enw Tyddewi. David and his friends moved to a place called Tyddewi.
Roedd Dewi yn darllen y beibl a gweddio ar Dduw bob dydd. David read the bible and prayed to God every day.
Roedd Dewi yn gweithio’n galed. Roedd e’n tynnu’r arafr yn lle yr ychen. David worked hard. He pulled the plough instead of the ox.
Dyn drwg oedd Boia. Roedd e’n ceisio lladd Dewi ond roedd Duw yn helpu Dewi. Boia was a bad man. He wanted to kill David but God protected David.
Helpodd Dewi fachgen dall i weld eto. Rhoddodd y bachgen hances ar y mynydd a pan safodd Dewi arno, cododd yr hances gyda Dewi arno fel roedd pawb yn gallu gweld. David helped a blind boy to see again. The boy placed a handkerchief on the floor and when David stood on it the handkerchief raised him in the air so that everybody could see him.
Nawddsant Cymru ydy Dewi Sant. Saint David is the Patron Saint of Wales.