Organizational Design, Diagnosis, and Development Session 23 Human Resource Interventions, II Developing & Assisting Members
Objectives To understand what is involved in career planning, the changing nature of careers, and stages of career progression To recognize issues faced by employees in managing their careers stages To describe issues faced by organizations in career management To understand the strategic implications of managing diversity Discuss sources of workplace stress, EAPs and wellness programs
The Importance of Careers For organizations: Helps align staffing with strategy For employees: A source of identification and a factor in quality of life
Career Planning Employee responsibility: –Self-assessment, –Identify and analyze career options; –Decide and develop career objectives and needs; –Communicate career preferences to your manager; –Map out a plan with your manager.
Career Planning Management responsibilities: –Encourage career planning process, –Assess realism of employee’s plans, – Provide information to employee about career planning resources, and career development opportunities such as job openings, training programs, and rotation assignments.
Changing Nature of Careers The employment contract: Employees as free agents –Career competencies –Self-management New career paths: More webbed than straight
Importance of Career Planning to Organizations Effective utilization of human resources –Align staffing requirements to strategy –Develop promotable employees Affirmative action and EEO –Assists in meeting goals –Assists in diversity management
Exploration Stage Task Needs: –Experiencing varied job tasks –Self assessment –Job choice Social-emotional needs –Occupational self- image –Settling down
Establishment Stage Task needs –Learn the ropes –Get challenging jobs –Increase competence –Be innovative Emotional needs –Deal with competition, failure, conflicts –Develop autonomy
Maintenance Stage Task needs –Technical updating –Coaching skills –Continue to rotate into new areas –Develop broad view of career Social-emotional needs –Express mid-life feelings –Rethink work, family
Late Career Stage Task needs –Remain productive –Plan for retirement –Shift role from power to guidance –Identify successors –Develop outside interests Social emotional needs –Re-envision work –Develop outside identity
Career Planning for Men & Women Some research findings The glass ceiling The mommy track The dual career couple track
Some Research Findings Men benefit more than woman from training Men benefit more than women from being married and having children Women benefit more than men from coaching and encouragement Women have fewer developmental opportunities than do men
Glass Ceilings & Mommy Tracks Glass ceiling: A barrier ( usually not an obvious one) that prevents women from reaching top management. Mommy tracks: Career paths which give more time flexibility to allow women to fulfill family commitments
Dual Career Couples The Family Friendly Workplace –flexible work arrangements –child care arrangement –support for transfers and relocations –managers who understand dual career couples
Need to Manage Diversity Current work force is diverse –race & ethnicity –gender –age –disabilities
Diversity as an Asset Salesforce Problem solving and creativity From manufacturing to service economy
Challenges of Diversity Universal Vs relative management practices Resistance to change Group cohesiveness & conflict Competition Performance Backlash
Top Management Commitment Training programs Support groups Mentoring programs Accommodating family needs –Alternative career paths –On-site child care –Alternative work arrangements
Top Management Accountability Monitoring work place fairness Using reward systems
The Process of Stress Organizational Factors Individual Factors Experienced Stress Physiological symptoms Psychological Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms
Stress Factors Organizational Demanding Jobs Competing demands Role ambiguity Job responsibility Isolation Unpleasant Individual Stressful life events Daily stress Personality Perception
Consequences of Stress Physiological Symptoms –Headaches, High blood pressure, Heart disease Psychological Symptoms –Anxiety, Depression, Burnout, Callousness Behavioral Symptoms –Productivity loss, Withdrawal
Managing Stress Personal approaches –Lifestyle, Physiological, Cognitive Organizational approaches –Job redesign –Social support –Family friendly policies
EAPs EAPs: Programs which provide counseling and service to troubled employees –Managers need to identify behavior which signals trouble –Company needs to communicate program & policy Evaluation: Seem to be cost effective
Wellness Programs Focus is on prevention Educate employees about health risks Introduce programs to reduce health risks and modify risky behavior Help employees maintain new behaviors Evaluate
Backwards & Forwards Summing up: Today’s session explored careers and special issues in career planning for affirmative action and family friendly policies along with diversity issues and employee wellness Looking ahead: Next time we being an examination of strategic interventions with organizations and environments