The effect of engagement with music on cognitive and performance abilities
Learning to play music can enhance… Passive listening to music can enhance…
Learning to play music: Musical notation + motor response = engaged brain Four studies: music lessons, MRI’s, and structural change Passive listening: MRI’s, emotions, and activation
National Center for Education Services Data Long Term music lessons, standardized tests, compare to control Mixed results but small effects SES, parental involvement, 2 nd yr of study
Both require visual analysis of objects to form whole Meta-analysis- 15 studies find strong correlation Methodological concerns
Reading musical notation = math National Educational Longitudinal Survey ▪ Music students get better math grades Meta-analysis finds correlative data for young children
Original ‘Mozart affect’ ‘listening to music and spatial abilities tests require cortical firing patterns that are similar’ ▪ Rauscher, 1993 Passive listening arousal/mood cognitive abilities ▪ Strong effect
Small effect size when applied to math Sample populations less than 20 Study proposal