Sarah McCarthy Trophic performance of Oncorhynchus mykiss along forest gradients in the South Fork Trinity River watershed UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON
South Fork Trinity River Photo courtesy of J. Duda
Klamath River tributary Trinity River dam: 1962 South Fork Trinity undammed Klamath Mountains Province steelhead ESU unlisted
What factors control O. mykiss production in CA? Temperature Effects Prey Quality Feeding Rate Use bioenergetics modeling to identify effect of season, age, forest cover, and temperature on O. mykiss consumption and growth efficiency (GE).Objectives
Study Design 9 streams 3 forest cover categories 2 temperature regimes
Study Design Conifer-cool N=1 Conifer-warm N=2 Mixed-cool N=1 Mixed-warm N=2 Hardwood- cool N=3 N/A
FISH GROWTH Bioenergetics Model CONSUMPTION THERMAL EXPERIENCE DIET COMPOSITION PREDATOR ENERGY DENSITY PREY ENERGY DENSITY C = G + M + W Proportion of maximum consumption (p): C/C max G/C = Growth efficiency (GE)
Model Inputs Stream Temperature (constant temperature monitoring) Prey Quality (invertebrate drift sampling) O. mykiss Growth Measurements O. mykiss Diet Composition
Fish Sampling Electrofished 9 streams during June, August, and October 2003
Measured length & weight Fish Sampling
Electrofished 9 streams during June, August, and October 2003 Measured length & weight Collected scales Fish Sampling
Electrofished 9 streams during June, August, and October 2003 Measured length & weight Collected scales Collected stomach contents Fish Sampling
Weight Trajectories Fish Sampling Conifer-cool highest weight, but all groups had slow growth Warm streams had sharpest growth increase Hardwood-cool and conifer-cool grew most
Diet Composition Prey items: Immature aquatic sources: –Aquatic larvae (Diptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, etc) –Aquatic nymphs (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, etc) –Aquatic other (Gastropoda, Isopoda, Crustacea, Acarina, Ostracoda, etc) Adult invertebrates: –Aquatic (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera) –Terrestrial (Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Araneae)
Diet Composition Contribution of adult insects increased with age
Diets varied by season and age
Low proportion of maximum consumption (avg=0.25) Temperature (°C) Specific rate (g/g/d) C max Summer temps: 14-18°C Consumption Respiration Bioenergetics Modeling C = G + M + W
Simulating Increased Summer Temperature Effects Most growth occurs during winter/spring Age 0 Age 1 Age 2
Simulating Increased Summer Temperature Effects With 2 o C temperature increase, O. mykiss required to grow more over winter. 5.4% 8.9% 11.5% 18.8%
Summary Increased consumption of adult insects with age and season Higher consumption of adult invertebrates in conifer-cool category Decreased or negative growth during late summer Low feeding rates throughout summer Decreased summer growth after 2 o C temperature increase Photo courtesy of J. Duda
Summary Increased consumption of adult insects with age and season Higher consumption of adult invertebrates in conifer-cool category Decreased or negative growth during late summer Low feeding rates throughout summer Decreased summer growth after 2 o C temperature increase Photo courtesy of J. Duda
Summary Increased consumption of adult insects with age and season Higher consumption of adult invertebrates in conifer-cool category Decreased or negative growth during late summer Low feeding rates throughout summer Decreased summer growth after 2 o C temperature increase Photo courtesy of J. Duda
Summary Increased consumption of adult insects with age and season Higher consumption of adult invertebrates in conifer-cool category Decreased or negative growth during late summer Low feeding rates throughout summer Decreased summer growth after 2 o C temperature increase Photo courtesy of J. Duda
Summary Increased consumption of adult insects with age and season Higher consumption of adult invertebrates in conifer-cool category Decreased or negative growth during late summer Low feeding rates throughout summer Decreased summer growth after 2 o C temperature increase Photo courtesy of J. Duda
Conclusions Isn’t summer the “growing season”? –O. mykiss may be food-limited across the watershed –Heightens concern for effects of interannual variability and/or climate shifts –Implications for other steelhead stocks in CA high temperatures exacerbated by low prey supply even minor shifts in temperature or food supply could push population further into negative growth patterns –Recommend extending study to neighboring populations
Acknowledgements USGS: Jeffrey Duda, C. Ostberg, Dr. R. Reisenbichler, Dr. S. Rubin, K. Larsen, S. Dufrene, L. Pascoe, C. Chambers, C. Galitsky, J. Steinbacher UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences: Dr. C. Grue, Dr. L. Conquest, V. Blackhurst, E. Chia, D. O’Donnell, A. Van Mason, A. Lind, C. Sergeant, S. Damm, J. Matilla, E. Duffy, A. Cross, J. Moss, M. Mazur, N. Overman, S. Wang, E. Schoen USFS Redwood Sciences Laboratory, Arcata, CA: Dr. H. Welsh, G. Hodgson, Dr. B. Harvey USFS Ranger Station, Hayfork, CA: J. Lang, J. Fitzgerald UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Graduate committee : Dr. David Beauchamp, Dr. John Emlen, Dr. Thomas Quinn
Effects of Food and Temperature on Growth Energetics Temperature (°C) Specific rate (g/g/d) C max Consumption: Respiration 25% C max Consumption rate reduction = reduced optimal temperature for growth and growth potential.
Effects of Food and Temperature on Growth Energetics Temperature (°C) Specific rate (g/g/d) C max Consumption Respiration 5 25% C max Growth (g/(g*d)) Temperature (°C) % C max 100% C max Absolute growth very low when costs associated with metabolism and waste are accounted for.
Physical Stream Characteristics Stream Temperature Temperature loggers deployed April-October 2003 Temperature recorded every 20 minutes Avg daily temp >17°C = warm Avg daily temp <17°C = cool
Prey Sampling Drift Composition Drift samplers deployed before dusk; collected after dawn Evaluated relative proportion of invertebrate drift Invertebrates used for bomb calorimetry
Relative Prey Supply Drift Composition Higher volume of immature aquatic invertebrates Higher prey supply in hardwood-cool flow Stream bottom Drift sampler bias
Cumulative Consumption GE = Growth/Consumption %-2.3 – 9.7%-7.3 – 7.2% Lower growth efficiencies during late summer
Cumulative Consumption GE = Growth/Consumption -1.1 – 11%-42 – 15.2%-3.8 – 15.4% Lower growth efficiencies during late summer
Cumulative Consumption GE = Growth/Consumption 3.7 – 7.1%-2.7 – 13.2%-12.2 – 15.9% Lower growth efficiencies during late summer