CS1005 Become familiar with the software life cycle. Be able to design algorithms to solve problems, using the top-down design method. Demonstrate the ability to implement algorithms in C++. Be able to write appropriate program documentation, and to adhere to a documentation standard. Gain experience with Unix
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Main memory Volatile (lost when computer turned off) Limited in size (costly) Provides fast transfer (CPU – memory, memory – CPU) Only data in main memory can be processed by the CPU
Secondary memory Data permanent until you change it Unlimited size Portable Slow transfer rate compared to main memory
Central Processing Unit Brings info (data and instructions) from secondary memory to main memory Processes (transforms) data Stores results in secondary or main memory
Instruction Set Arithmetic operations Comparisons Transfer of control (jumps) Transfer of info from one place to another I/O operations
Register R1Register R2 Add the contents of R1 to R2 and Leave the result in R1 Opcode = Data = Each instruction is 2 bytes in length. The first byte is the opcode, the second byte contains data which varies according to the opcode
Assembly Language Is different for each type of computer Requires that the programmer think like a computer Is tedious and detailed Very cryptic
A = B + C LOAD R1, (B) LOAD R2, (C) ADD R1, R2 STORE (A), R1 A contains 0 B contains 2 C contains R1 R2 Program Counter (PC) Instruction Register (IR)
C++ How To Program H.M Deitel