© M J Etherington 2002
Track 1:Intro Chorus Chorus with Piano fills Ending Track 2:Intro Chorus with examples of Improvisation Ending Doing The Jump is a song based on the 12-bar blues structure. Backing Tracks are provided in General Midi format along with Powerpoint and Sibelius files of all resources. The following aims may be achieved by Year 7 pupils: Sing the melody by ear Clap on beats 2 and 4 whilst singing Jump or move kinaesthetically in the ‘gaps’ Improvise simple phrases in the ’gaps’ Extension exercises: Improvise supporting harmonies to the tune Improvise over the whole song structure Compose lyrics for further verses Teacher’s Notes © M J Etherington 2002
Lesson Plan Learn the Song Play pupils the song (Track 1 on tape/ bars 1-33 on sequencer) Play again, getting pupils to clap on beats 2 & 4 Project the lyrics (see OHT provided) and teach song from piano Set LEFT locator to bar 1, RIGHT to bar 29 and loop track on sequencer Get pupils to sing along Get pupils to clap whilst singing (Advanced pupils may create improvised harmonies here) Kinaesthetic Exercise Move LEFT locator to bar 37, RIGHT to bar 57. Ensure “Improv. Example” track is MUTED Play track and demonstrate how to jump, stamp, or move in the ‘gap’ - see figure 1 Improvisation UNMUTE “Improv. Example” track and play to pupils. Give simple notes for pitched instruments (eg. G, C) and get pupils to improvise their own “fill” (loop section and go round class individually) Extension work Get capable pupils to improvise (melodically or rhythmically) over whole song structure. Pupils may write lyrics to further verses Arrangement Create (with pupils) an arrangement of the song which incorporates all of the above exercises Fig. 1 © M J Etherington 2002
Lyrics Everybody’s doing The Jump - (JUMP) Be careful or you might go bump - (JUMP) Everybody’s doing The Jump - (JUMP) If you wanna do it Better get down to it Everybody’s doing The Jump - (JUMP) © M J Etherington 2002
Chords Everybody’s doing The Jump - (JUMP) G7F G7 Everybody’s doing The Jump - (JUMP) G7F G7 Be careful or you might go bump - (JUMP) C7 Bb C7 Everybody’s doing The Jump - (JUMP) G7F G7 If you wanna do it D7 Better get down to it C7 Everybody’s doing The Jump - (JUMP) G7F G7 © M J Etherington 2002