Communication in organization settings: I) Internal: Exchange information- inside your organization II) External: Outside the organization III) Formal: Ideas & information flow along the lines of command in the company’s organization structure IV) Informal
Factors determining the structure 1) Aim 2) Division of labor & specialization level 3) Degree of formality 4) Span of management: R=N(2 N /N-(N+1) 5) Number of hierarchical levels 6) Departmantization
I) Functional Departmantization
II) Departments founded according to product/service divisions
III) Departments founded according to Regional Essentials
IV) Pure Organizations
V) Matrix Organizations President Dir. Eng. Dir. Product. Dir. Acc. Dir. Fin. Director of Project X Director of Project Y Director of Project Z
Flow of Information: 1. Downward flow: From executives to employees 2. Upward flow: From employees to executives- provide accurate, timely reports on problems 3. Horizontal flow: Lateral or diagonal between departments or between employees at the same level- share information and coordinate tasks
Internal External Formal Planned com. Planned com. among insiders among outsiders Informal Casual com. Casual com. With among employees suppliers, customers investors & outsiders
Communication Networks 1) Y Form: No innovation, faster than circle, faster than circle & network 2) Chain: Just downward, no upward & horizontal. Leader- not accurate. Medium speed. 3) Star:Employees- interaction just with the leader. No innovation. High speed, but effects 4) Circle: Decision-making, participation, no determined leader, working speed, satisfaction 5) Network: Centralization level- low, participation, job satisfaction & job quality Centralization: distribution of decision-making
Job Enlargement Increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties Increases the number of tasks without changing the content of the job Horizontal job loading
Job Enrichment Motivate by giving employees the opportunity to use the range of their abilities Vertical job loading Enriched job should contain: Range of tasks of varying difficulties Meaningful task Feedback, encouragement & communication