Objectives: Discuss “Why Train”? Discuss “Why Train”? Identify decisions About Training Identify decisions About Training Who, what, whenWho, what, when Generationally relevantGenerationally relevant Determine - Ready to train? Determine - Ready to train? Review the training commandments Review the training commandments Overview training topics Overview training topics Assess orienting offenders and issues Assess orienting offenders and issues
Why Have A Training Program? Safety Safety EmployeesEmployees OffendersOffenders CommunityCommunity Prevention Prevention Public perceptionsPublic perceptions Employee skepticismEmployee skepticism LitigationLitigation
Decisions About Training Content Content ObjectivesObjectives Target audiences Target audiences Training strategies Training strategies Generationally relevantGenerationally relevant Skills and knowledgeSkills and knowledge Lesson plans (not just PPTs)Lesson plans (not just PPTs) LogisticsLogistics Documentation of knowledge gained Documentation of knowledge gained Testing and remediationTesting and remediation Who will be trained? Who will be trained? Who are trainers? Who are trainers? Work before training can begin Work before training can begin
Training Content Identify training goals: Identify training goals: Impart informationImpart information Provide or enhance skillsProvide or enhance skills BothBoth Options in different venues: Options in different venues: Roll CallRoll Call New EmployeeNew Employee Pre-servicePre-service In-serviceIn-service OtherOther
Training Logistics Length Length How often How often Where Where When When Academy Roll Call Pre- Service In- Service
Who to Train? Employees Employees Volunteers Volunteers ClergyClergy Contractors/vendors Contractors/vendors Medical/mental health Medical/mental health Other agencies to which offenders Other agencies to which offenders are assigned are assigned Collateral contacts Collateral contacts FamiliesFamilies Who else? Who else? ProsecutorsProsecutors StakeholdersStakeholders
Lesson Plans Set measurable objectives Set measurable objectives Measure knowledge gained Measure knowledge gained Documentation Documentation Testing and remediationTesting and remediation Pilot train the material and revise Pilot train the material and revise Evaluate Evaluate Insure high-level oversight Insure high-level oversight Approve plansApprove plans Review evaluationsReview evaluations
Who Are Trainers Select carefully Select carefully Train your trainers Train your trainers Need to be “trainers”Need to be “trainers” Stakeholders as trainers Stakeholders as trainers Who?Who?
Ready to Train? Activities that need to be completed before training can begin: Activities that need to be completed before training can begin: Develop policy and procedureDevelop policy and procedure DefinitionsDefinitions Get staff and stakeholders’ buy-inGet staff and stakeholders’ buy-in Define investigative processDefine investigative process De-mystify De-mystify
Generationally Relevant Veterans: Born Before 1943 Baby Boomers: Generation X: Millennials:
Training Commandments: Train everyone Train everyone Personnel from other agenciesPersonnel from other agencies Training needs to be specific to the issue Training needs to be specific to the issue Skill development Skill development
Training Commandments, continued: Train supervisors about their responsibilities Train supervisors about their responsibilities Red flagsRed flags Practice interventionsPractice interventions Reinforce training through: Reinforce training through: Employee bulletinsEmployee bulletins ed reminders ed reminders Leadership role-modeling behaviorLeadership role-modeling behavior Offender conditions of supervisionOffender conditions of supervision Staff and offender handbooksStaff and offender handbooks
Training Commandments, continued Make training interactive Make training interactive Generationally relevantGenerationally relevant Include skill development Include skill development Scenario based trainingScenario based training Role playsRole plays
Topics for Training: Why the training is being done Why the training is being done Define and overview of issue Define and overview of issue Review of agency policy on misconduct Review of agency policy on misconduct Local context Local context Include “culture” issues Include “culture” issues Implications for human resources Implications for human resources Consequences of retaliation Consequences of retaliation Review state laws Review state laws Explain and demystify the investigative process Explain and demystify the investigative process Review of medical protocols Review of medical protocols Employee Assistance Program Employee Assistance Program Red Flags Red Flags Offender Profiles Offender Profiles Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Role of staff during investigations Role of staff during investigations
Orienting offenders: Implications of sexual misconduct Implications of sexual misconduct What misconduct means for them or their family What misconduct means for them or their family Medical and mental health referrals and protocols Medical and mental health referrals and protocols Consequences of false allegations Consequences of false allegations Process of an investigation Process of an investigation Newly admitted offenders Newly admitted offenders Current offender population Current offender population
Conclusions Training not just to fill time Training not just to fill time Training not just to “check” it off the to do list Training not just to “check” it off the to do list Skill development is essential Skill development is essential Documentation important Documentation important Feedback loop to training from: Feedback loop to training from: InvestigationsInvestigations Personnel actionsPersonnel actions SupervisorsSupervisors