Ant colony-based algorithm for constructing broadcasting tree with degree and delay constraints 晏廷
Introduction Minimum spanning tree problem Prim Dijkstra Steiner tree problem Constrained Steiner tree NP-Complete Broadcasting vs Multicasting DDCMST problem
Problem formulation
Algorithm Random number distributed in interval [0,1] determines the relative importance of exploitation versus exploration. the set of nodes that remain to be visited by ant k at node vi determines the relative importance between the pheromone level and the edge cost
Pheromone updating rule Local pheromone evaporation rate The initial pheromone level Local updating rule
Degree penalty γ controls the degree of penalty and was set to 2 in this study.
Pheromone updating rule Global updating rule Global pheromone evaporation rate
Test problems The networks topology were generated using Waxman generator Ψ denote the maximum among these minimal node delays.
Performance (small problem)
Performance (large problem)