FUSION SCIENCE CENTER FOR EXTREME STATES OF MATTER AND FAST IGNITION PHYSICS OVERVIEW R. Betti University of Rochester 2 nd FSC PI Meeting June 1-2, 2005 General Atomics San Diego, CA
THE STATE OF THE CENTER IS STRONG! The FSC has been in operation for 10 months The FSC has already made significant progress in all the areas crucial to Fast Ignition HEDP: Fuel Assembly Electron Transport Simulation capabilities Laser-Plasma interaction and other HEDP areas Details on the progress are presented at this meeting The FSC is organizing a summer school in HEDP for August 7-13 at UC Berkeley The FSC is co-sponsoring the FI miniconference at APS The FSC has hired several postdocs and graduate students
The outcome of this meeting is an assessment of the scientific work and plans of the FSC Assessing the progress made is essential for optimizing the use of the limited resources The FSC is supporting many different activities and PIs. We need to assess the productivity within the various activities and possibly redistribute some of the funding. We need to assess if there are activities not currently funded that should be funded
What have we promised to do? Organize a summer school in HED Organize a Fast Ignition workshop Proposed Research: Fuel Assembly Electron Generation and Transport Diagnostic Development Integrated Experiments
Summer school in HEDP, August 7-13, 2005 Clark-Kerr Campus UC. Berkeley
Over 80 participants will attend the 2005 HEDP summer school Admissions are CLOSED ! 78 confirmed attendees + 11 to hear from 46 confirmed full financial aid packages have been awarded 8 partial aid packages confirmed and 1 to hear from 55 graduate students 5 undergraduates 23 postdocs + 6 research scientists Room and Board $500/week, Airfare up to $600 Total financial aids ~ 55K AV ~ 1K, Conference room ~ 1.5K, Poster Boards ~ 2K Projected cost ~ 70-75K. ILSA Matching funds = 50K
Paul Drake - UM Mark Knudson - SNL Chris Deeney - SNL William Kruer _ UC Davis Todd Ditmire - UT Austin Eric Esarey - LBNL Rick Freeman -OSU Steven Rose - Oxford University Dimtry Ryutov - LLNL Max Tabak -LLNL Riccardo Betti, U. Rochester David Meyerhofer, U. Rochester Chuand Ren, U. Rochester Francis Theo, DOE-OFES Speakers at the 2005 HEDP Summer School
Sunday 7 August Monday 8 August Tuesday 9 August Wednesday 10 August Thursday 11 August Friday 12 August Saturday 13 August 7:30- 8:30 Breakfast 9:00- 12:00 Welcome (Betti) Laser-plasma Interaction (instabilities, absorption, relativistic effects) (Kruer) Inertial Confinement Fusion (Betti) Fast Ignition (Tabak) Particle in Cell Simulation s (Ren) Departu re Introduction to HEDP (Drake) Particle Transport (Freeman) 12:00 -1:00 Lunch 1:15- 2:45 Registration Shocks (Knusdon) Short pulse laser technology (CPA/OPCPA) (Ditmire) Tour 1. NIF (U.S. Citizens only) 2. LBL (open to all) Equation of State at high energy densities (Rose) Diagnostic s for HEDP (Meyerhof) 3:00- 4:30 Registration HEDP with Z- pinches (Deeney) Plasma Based Accelerators (Esarey) Tour (continued) Astrophysical HEDP (Ryutov) Prize student poster Informal reception Concludin g remarks 4:30- 6:30 HEDP Posters Posters on laser plasma interactions Job opportunities in HEDP ICF and FI posters Astrophysical posters Posters on Z- pinches Posters on Diagnostics 6:45- 8:00 Dinner
The FSC is co-sponsoring the Miniconference on Fast Ignition at the upcoming APS-DPP meeting Rich Stephens is the main coordinator of the miniconference All the FSC members are encouraged to present their work at the FI Miniconference The APS Mini-Conference will be used to solicit feedback from the HEDP community and the FSC technical advisors on the FSC activities
Proposed Research: Fuel Assembly and Integrated Experiments Develop numerical tools and models to optimize fuel assembly for FI (year 1-2) Include improved electron stopping calculations in numerical simulations (year 3) Perform and diagnose cone focused and cryogenic fuel assembly implosions to optimize for FI (year 1-3) Perform integrated FI experiments, including cone focused and cryogenic targets (years 3-5) Validate integrated numerical models (year 4-5)
Proposed Research: Electron Generation and Transport MODELING Develop simulation test problems to benchmark PIC and Hybrid-PIC against each other (year 1) Carry out simulations of test problems and compare codes (year 2-3) EXPERIMENTS Develop experimental test-beds for code validation (y1) Develop experiments to measure e-beam stopping in cryogenic D 2 (y1) Carry out code benchmarking experiments (year 2-5)
Proposed Research: Electron Generation and Transport INTEGRATION Develop integrated simulation capability of e-beam generation and transport (year 3-5) Develop integrated experiments to benchmark integrated simulations (year 4-5)
Proposed Research: Diagnostic Development Develop a concept for photon imaging of cone target implosions (year 1) Develop Zr K-alpha monochromatic imaging for integrated experiments on electron transport (year 1) Develop concepts for optical and xuv polarimetry diagnostics (year 1) Build and test high photon energy imager (year 2-3) Build, test and deploy optical and xuv polarimetry diagnostics (years 2-3) Use high energy photon imager to diagnose integrated experiments (years 4-5) Use optical and xuv polarimetry diagnostics for integrated experiments (years 4-5) Use Zr K-alpha fluorescence diagnostics for integrated experiments (4-5)