1 Ka-fu Wong University of Hong Kong An Introduction to EViews 4.1 (Student version)
2 Installation Insert the CD-ROM disc in a drive and install the program on the computer. For most of us, accepting all defaults will work fine. Note that you can install EViews on as many computers as you want to. However, at start, EViews will ask you to insert the CD-ROM disc.
3 Starting EViews Work Area May be changed with Options>File Locations>Current Data Path. Current Data Path. Command Area
4 Options>File Locations>Current Data Path Current Data Path. May be changed with Options>File Locations>Current Data Path.
5 Open the Excel file containing the data (example2.XLS) 48 undated observations 4 columns (OBS, X, Y, Z) 3 variables: X, Y, Z
6 Enter or read data in Eviews File > New > Workfile 1. Choose “Undated or irregular”. 2. Specify 1 and Click OK.
7 Enter or read data in Eviews Choose Quick>Empty Group(Edit Series)
8 Enter or read data in Eviews Key in data
9 Enter or read data in Eviews Copy the data from Excel (A2:D49 together) to the Workfile Default series names
10 Renaming the series First minimize the data sheet Highlight ser01 and right click mouse, and choose rename
11 Rename the series (ser01 – ser04)
12 Check if the variable names has been changed
13 Save data and results frequently to avoide loss of data File>SaveAs Enter example0.wf1
14 Scatterplot of X and Y 1. Highlight x and y 2. Quick > Graph > Scatter 3. Order the variables 4. click OK.
15 Scatterplot of X and Y
16 Scatterplot of X and Y Use options to adjust the appearance
17 Scatterplot of X and Y Use AddText to adjust the appearance
18 Use Lines/Shading to adjust the appearance
19 Scatter plot after some formatting
20 Alternative way to do scatterplot of X and Y 1. Put X and Y in a group called gxy group gxy X Y
21 Alternative way to do scatterplot of X and Y 2. Generate scatter plot using the data group of gxy freeze(Figure21) gxy.scat
22 Alternative way to do scatterplot of X and Y Double click figure21 to view the plot
23 Scatter plot of X and Y
24 Generate a scatter plus a linear fit freeze(Figure22) gxy.linefit
25 Double click figure22 to view the plot
26 Scatter plot with linear fit
27 Group data for scatter plot group gzy z y
28 Create scatter plot, save in Figure23 freeze(Figure23) gzy.linefit
29 Another scatter plot (data group gzy) with linear fit
30 Run linear regression and save the results in tableA1 equation tableA1.ls y c x z (Y = c + b 0 X + b 1 Z)
31 Regression results (tablea1)
32 Save all the results and data File > SaveAs
33 Next time, we can open the workfile File > Open > workfile
34 We can continue to work on the data and plots…
35 End
36 Plot residuals and fitted values
37 Plot residuals and fitted values