Change Management Prof. Steve Phelan Lecture 8
Today Implementing Change Note on implementing change (1991) Peter Browning and Continental White Cap (1986) LMZ Chs17-20 Organization Mirror Interventions (1999) Confrontation Meeting (1967) Parallel Learning Structures (1991) Survey Guided Development (1972)
Implementing Strategy Ten Commandments Analyze organization and need for change Create a shared vision and common direction Separate from the past Create a sense of urgency Support a strong leader role Line up political sponsorship Craft an implementation plan Develop enabling structures Communicate, involve people, and be honest Reinforce and institutionalize change What is new here?
Peter Browning and Continental White Cap Tasks Construct a vision and set of goals Create a commitment chart for Peter What should Peter’s approach be to Lawson, White, Stark, Green and corporate HQ? Craft an implementation plan to achieve your goals (particularly indicating actions and time frame)
More Group Techniques What are the similarities and differences between the organization mirror technique and a confrontation meeting? How do they differ from role analysis and HQ-field relations techniques? Is there anything new here? Would it work/not work?
Parallel Learning Structures Philosophy The authors believe that traditional structures are not set up to promote learning They advocate parallel structures to get people out of their environment into a new culture that encourages learning These are not the same as taskforces, working parties, or quality circles Do you believe the philosophy?
Survey Guided Development Overview Possibly the most pretentious OD article ever written Lots of scientific/medical metaphors and references Reflects the view of engineers and psychologists set on making OD a ‘science’ Believes survey guided research enables scientific diagnosis and prescription Questions Why have surveys proven to be such a poor tool over the years? Is their ‘survey feedback’ the answer?