STRATEGO ® By Kevin Braun & Dylan Brandtner
Game Overview STRATEGO is a grid-based 10 x 10 board game featuring two opposing armies of 40 pieces. STRATEGO is a grid-based 10 x 10 board game featuring two opposing armies of 40 pieces. The armies contain soldiers with ranks from 1-9, Bombs, a Flag, and a Spy. The armies contain soldiers with ranks from 1-9, Bombs, a Flag, and a Spy. The game is won by capturing the opponent’s Flag. The game is won by capturing the opponent’s Flag. For the most part, pieces move one piece at a time and the lower ranking piece wins any attack. For the most part, pieces move one piece at a time and the lower ranking piece wins any attack.
Placing Soldiers At this point, Blue has placed all of their soldiers and the labels are hidden while Red places his soldiers.
Gameplay This shows the middle of the game during Red’s turn.
Gameplay (cont.) In this shot, Red has just completed an attack and the game is between turns. No labels are displayed, and a summary of the turn is in the status bar.
Endgame Red has captured Blue’s Flag and won the game. Both team’s labels are displayed.
New Game and Player Dialog The ‘New’ button in the toolbar begins a new game by displaying a new Player Dialog Box.
Class Implementation A Map of the Major Classes