Public Transit Application- a database collecting transit data Minnesota Department of Transportation
Why was PTA Developed? A long time ago……. Legislation said so……. Legislator inquires Back in the Days of Lotus
Why was PTA Developed? Excel can handle only so much: Lots of cutting and pasting Have you seen TASUM? Work books referencing multiple worksheets Difficult to analyze multiyear data We need Database Functionality
The Focus of PTA Collect Data Analyze Data Track Budgets Develop Contracts Track Contract Amendments
What data do you collect? Annually- 12 Tab Application – Service plan – Capital improvements – Unmet Needs – Fleet Inventory Financial Plan Tab Proposed Budget for following year
Every Month Monthly Data – Operating Statistics – Vehicle information
Vehicle Statistics Data
Operating Statistics Data
What systems contribute data Five Federal Programs – 5317 New Freedom – 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute – 5311 Public Transit Participation – 5310 Elderly and Disabled Transportation – 5307 Urban Transit
Soon to include- – 5311f Intercity Transit – 5309 Facility Grant
How does it work? Application to Budget to Contract
Grant application
Application Application is collected thanks to a method used for the bridge collapse. – Each system has a private folder – Application is uploaded back to folder – All folders can be seen by transit managers
Application uploaded to system folder
Budget Request Import Financial page from application / converted to a csv file csv file imported to PTA as budget request
Budget Request Modifications Budget Request can be adjusted Budget Request is changed to a budget
Budget Budget is reviewed and final adjustments made
Budget modified by fund Default amounts calculate funds Payments are budgeted on when they are paid
Contract Time When budget is approved and finalized Contract is initiated Contract dates are recorded Amendment process
Challenges to PTA Qualified Contractors Teaching new technology to users Users frustrations
The future of PTA On going project Up grades to functionality Poll users for their needs