New Army Terms Table D-1. New Army terms Army positive control Army procedural control civil support1 combat power (Army) command and controlwarfare command and control warfighting function compel defeat mechanism disintegrate dislocate enemy fires warfighting function forward operating base graphic control measure influence2 information engagement information protection intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance integration intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance synchronization intelligence warfighting function irregular warfare knowledge management landpower line of effort3 line of operations (Army) movement and maneuver warfighting function operational theme protection warfighting function situational awareness stability mechanism support (Army) supporter sustainment warfighting function unassigned area warfighting function Notes: 1 Replaces support operations and uses the joint definition with Army primary tasks. 2 Adds a second definition to an existing term. 3 Replaces logical line of operation. Table D-2. Modified Army definitions assessment (Army) battle command close combat combined arms commander’s intent (Army) commander’s visualization common operational picture concept of operations (Army) control (Army)1, 2 control measure culminating point (Army) decisive operation defensive operations destroy3 essential element of friendly information force tailoring full spectrum operations information management initiative (individual) initiative (operational) intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance isolate3 main effort mission command mission orders neutral offensive operations operations process phase (Army/Marine Corps) planning preparation running estimate situational understanding stability operations4 supporting distance supporting range sustaining operation task-organizing5 tempo (Army/Marine Corps) urban operations Notes: 1 New definition for use in command and control context. 2 Added second definition for use as a stability mechanism. 3 New definition for use in operational art context. 4 The Army uses the joint definition and assigns Armyspecific tasks to this element of full spectrum operations. 5 Army definition added to joint definition as an addendum
Rescinded Army Terms Table D-3. Rescinded Army definitions agility1 assigned forces1 asymmetry1 battlefield organization battlespace close area combat arms combat service support2 combat support2 deep area defensive information operations (Army) force protection (Army)3 offensive information operations (Army) operational fires1 operational framework operational picture protection (Army)4 rear area subordinates’ initiative5 support operations6 versatility1 logical lines of operations7 Notes: 1 Army doctrine will follow joint definitions and common English usage. 2 Army doctrine will not use this term; joint doctrine will continue to use this term. 3 Activities incorporated into the protection warfighting function. 4 Replaced by protection warfighting function. 5 Replaced by individual initiative. 6 Replaced by civil support operations. 7 Replaced by lines of effort.