Demo setup 3 scenarios 3 orchestrators Services: –Doorbell –MediaSink: display, mobile display –MediaSource: videosource, camera –Context manager –Repository
Scenario 1: highlights Discovery without the repository the repository is optional Orchestrator only establishes the application; it is not involved in the operation of the application.
Scenario 1 orchestrator
Scenario 1 orchestrator
Scenario 1 orchestrator discovers
Scenario 1 orchestrator binds
Scenario 1 orchestrator
Scenario 1 orchestrator
Scenario 1 1. The video orchestrator is started 2. The bell, mediasource (video), tv services are started 3. The orchestrator finds the services 4. The video is streamed from the source to tv 5. The orchestrator is shut down 6. The streaming is still running
Scenario 1: conclusions Service discovery with optional repository increases reliability. Orchestrator is not involved in the operation of the application: –reusability of the services –less resource usage at the orchestrator
Scenario 2: highlights Discovery of existing, new and disappearing services with the repository No dependencies between startup order of services, orchestrators and repository Services are reusable. The actual binding by the orchestrator determines the application
Scenario 2 repository registers orchestrator query
Scenario 2 repository orchestrator binds
Scenario 2 repository orchestrator
Scenario 2 0. The previous services are still running 1. The repository is started 2. The previously running services are registered at the repository 3. The mediasource (camera) and another tv are started 4. The new services are registered at the repository 5. The doorbell orchestrator is started 6. The doorbell is pressed 7. The camera output is seen on the tv 8. After n seconds, the image is frozen 9. The camera and tv are shut down 10. The camera and tv are unregistered at the repository
Scenario 2: conclusions Discovery with the repository: –Scalability, –Less burden at the orchestrator. Periodic renewal at the repository: –Robustness Independent startup ordering of the repository, orchestrator, and services: –Flexibility External binding of services –Reusability
Scenario 3: highlights Change of application –Service removal –Context change Orchestrator can contain preferences for certain services (tv)
Scenario 3 repository orchestrator binds Context manager
Scenario 3 repository orchestrator Context manager
Scenario 3 repository orchestrator binds Context manager
Scenario 3 1. The bell, camera, tv, mms, context manager, repository, orchestrator are started 2. The doorbell is pressed 3. The camera output is seen on the tv 4. The tv is switched off 5. The doorbell is pressed 6. The camera output is seen on the mms device 7. The tv is switched on 8. The doorbell is pressed 9. The camera output is seen on the tv 10.The context manager changes the user location to outside 11. The doorbell is pressed 12. The camera output is seen on the mms device (while the tv is still on)
Scenario 3: conclusions Applications can change dynamically Policies for device selections