Distributed Computing Group TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAA Distributed Asymmetric Verification in Computational Grids Michael Kuhn Stefan Schmid Roger Wattenhofer IPDPS 2008 Miami, Florida, USA
2 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Grid Computing Goal: Use idle computing resources worldwide –Examples:
3 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Model Server Clients (Participants) #clients: Sends work- units (WU) Returns result
4 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Why should people participate? –Incentives: honour („user of the day“), money,... But: Incentives attract cheaters! The Problem of Cheaters
5 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Verification required –Today: Redundancy –E.g. Send the same task to 3 participants –This paper: Distributed asymmetric checking –Asymmetry: Verification is often cheaper than computation –Distributed: Participants check each other The Problem of Cheaters Random value
6 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Contributions Distributed checking algorithm integrated in BOINC –Faster than redundancy if asymmetric checking function exists –Better guarantees than typically used redundancy schemes Resistant against –Dominance of seemingly fast clients –Lazy checking –Sybil attacks Proof-of-concept implementation for discrete logarithm problem –Asymmetric checking function for Pollard-rho algorithm
7 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Related Work Cheating is a problem [Kahney, Wired Magazine, Feb. 2001] more than 50% of resources spent on cheating! Ringer scheme (precompute selected results) [Golle and Mironov, CT-RSA‘01], [Szaja et al., SP‘03] –Additional work on the server (precomputing ringers) Commitment scheme with Merkle-tree [Du et al., ICDCS‘04] –Additional work on the server (recompute some work-units) Cryptographic protocols e.g. [Aiello et al, ICALP‘00], [Cachin et al., EUROCRYPT‘99] –Often computationally too expensive in practice
8 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Challenges Cheaters seem to be much faster than ordinary participants –1% cheaters can submit >99% of the results Cheaters stay honest for a long time, and only then start to cheat –Opens many possibilities for cheaters –Never trust a participant Lazy checking –Cheaters can calculate everything correctly but cheat during verification (i.e. simply say the result was correct)
9 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Cheater Characterization Fraction of cheating clients: p –Problem: Sybil attacks Fraction of incorrect results in the system: r –Problem: Random results can be computed very fast –If no countermeasures are taken: r = 1 Fraction of computing power of cheater(s): q –Computing power is expensive => q is limited! –Goal of cheaters: Pretend to have worked more than what is possible with the available computing resources r p q
10 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Asymmetric Verification Performance property: It is much cheaper to verify the correctness of a result than to calculate the result –Asymmetric Fingerprint property: A verifier calculates a fingerprint rather than a boolean result –Server compares fingerprints –Only honestly computed checks can lead to a positive result –Observe: Collusions still possible Uniqueness property: Results are either inherently unique, or the dependence from the input values can be verified –Prevents replay attacks Example: Task: Find prime factors of x = 10829; Solution: {7, 7, 13, 17} Checking input: {7, 7, 13, 17}; Fingerprint: 7 * 7 * 13 * 17 = 10829
11 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Distributed Verification: Algorithm Prerequisites –Fraction of cheaters is limited and considerably smaller than 50% (e.g. p ≤ 10%) => details later –Punishment is possible Check each result, until a clear decision is possible –Result good if „considerably more“ positive than negative checks (and vice versa) –As p is limited, high probability of correct decision (see paper for details) –Punish cheaters (including colluders) and remove all their pending results Assign checks uniformly at random among active clients –Fast clients (often cheaters) cannot dominate checking
12 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Lifecycle of a Task One after the other, to mitigate collusion
13 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Preventing Sybil Attacks Problem: Zero cost identity –Solution: Don‘t assign identity for free! Idea: Couple p (#clients) to q (computing resources) –New client has to perform some work without getting credits => buys identity –Goal: make the number of incorrect results a cheater can deliver before being detected lower than the price to buy the identity –Observe: For honest participants the price is low (as they only have to „pay“ once)
14 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Analysis (Simulation) Number of checks vs. number of results (p = 10%) –Asymmetry: Checking is 50 times faster than calculation –Fastest clients 100 times faster than slowest Fast clients do not dominate checking!
15 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Analysis (Simulation) (2) Queue lengths –Number of pending checks for different confidence values
16 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Implementation in BOINC
17 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS ECC Challenge Task: Break large discrete logarithm on elliptic curve –Currently: 130-bit –Reward: 20,000 USD Discrete Logarithm –Given a group with generator g, as well as a group element h: Find x, such that g^x = h Best known algorithm: Pollard-Rho –Well suited for parallelization and use in grids
18 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Pollard-Rho (Sketch)
19 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Asymmetric Verification (Sketch) Not every point possesses a predecessor –Backward iteration has high probability to fail after a certain number of steps Finding a distinguished point together with the required parameters is asymptotically as expensive as forward iteration Checking function: Report the x-th predecessor –Verifier can forward iterate x steps and check whether the distinguished point is found P(length > 50) < 10%
20 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Conclusions Algorithm for distributed verification in volunteer computing, which is resistant against: –Seemingly fast clients (uniform selection of verifier among all active clients) –Lazy checking (fingerprint property) –Replay attacks (uniqueness property) –Sybil attacks (don‘t assign identity for free) Downside: Strong assumption on the verification function –But: such verification functions exist (Pollard-Rho) Future: More generic approaches
21 Michael Kuhn, ETH IPDPS Thanks for your Interest Questions?